COVID-19 cases in Marion County and positive rates continue to rise
Ocala, Florida. — — According to the latest state report released on Friday, the COVID-19 positive rate in Marion County increased again in the first week of 2022.
Marion County reported 3,130 new cases during the week of December 31st to January 6th. This increased the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases in the county to 62,790. Last week the positive rate reached 24.6%. This is an increase from 17.4% last week.
The new positive rate is the highest in Marion County since the week ending August 26, when it was reported to be 25.1%.
Overall, the daily positive rate for all new COVID-19 cases across Florida was 31.2%.
According to a new state report, 1,042 people in Marion County were vaccinated between December 31st and January 6th. This was an increase of 81 vaccines from the previous week. During the most recent reporting period, the proportion of vaccinated Marion County residents aged 5 and over remained at 62%.
“This week’s increase shows the severity of the virus’s spread throughout our community, and the need for people to take protective measures,” said Mark Lander, health ministry manager at Marion County. .. “It was encouraging to see the number of vaccines coming back this week. We encourage county residents to consider COVID vaccines, or booster immunization if eligible, Shot. , The most effective way to prevent serious illness and hospitalization due to COVID-19 in people over 5 years old. “
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintained the regional infection rate in Marion County as “high.” It is defined as having more than 100 new cases per 100,000 people and a positive rate of 10% or higher during the 7-day reporting period.
New state reports also show that Marion County reported the highest daily average of new cases since the week ending August 26.
From the cases of COVID-19 reported during the week of December 31st to January 6th, Marion County confirmed that:
- An average of 447.1 new cases per day
- 24.6% positive rate.
- A total of 1,042 people were vaccinated
During the week of December 34th to December 30th, Marion confirmed that:
- An average of 220.4 new cases per day
- 17.4% positive rate
- A total of 961 people were vaccinated
During the week of December 17th to December 23rd, Marion confirmed that:
- An average of 51.9 new cases per day
- 5% positive rate.
- A total of 1,276 people were vaccinated
During the week of December 10th to December 16th, Marion confirmed that:
- An average of 25.6 new cases per day
- 3.3% positive rate
- A total of 969 people were vaccinated
During the week of December 3rd to December 9th, Marion confirmed that:
- An average of 20.9 new cases per day
- 2.4% positive rate.
- A total of 1,145 people were vaccinated
During the week of November 26th to December 2nd, Marion confirmed that:
- An average of 23.6 new cases per day
- 3% positive rate
- A total of 1,358 people were vaccinated
Availability of COVID-19 vaccine
The COVID-19 vaccine for people over the age of 5 is available at the Florida Department of Health in Marion County.
To make an appointment for vaccination Vaccines are available free of charge.
This division is the 1801 SE 32nd Ave, the headquarters of Okara, from 8:30 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. We provide vaccinations at.
The department recommends that anyone with questions about vaccines, whether for themselves or for their children, consult their healthcare provider.
The US Food and Drug Administration only approves Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines for all age groups. People over the age of 18 can choose from Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pfizer vaccines for children under the age of 12 contain the same active ingredients as vaccines given to adults and adolescents, but the dose of vaccines aged 5 to 11 is only 3. It is one-third. The amount of vaccine for adults. The vaccine is also given with a small needle designed specifically for children.
In addition to the Ministry of Health in Marion County, vaccines are available at many pharmacies, clinics, clinics, and health centers throughout the county.
visit To learn more about vaccine locations.
COVID-19 test continues locally
The COVID-19 test will continue to be available at Okara’s First Baptist Church.
COVID-19 Mobile Clinical Trials Service, CovidTestFL.Org, offers free drive-through exams at the Church, 2801SE Maricamp Road, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
Contact CovidTestFL.Org (866-826-8430) for more information on the test.
CovidTestFL.Org provides a diagnostic PCR COVID-19 test that provides results within 3 days via text message or email with a link to the results on the web portal. Rapid test results are available for an additional fee.
Those wishing to test must enter the parking entrance of the church on SE 30th Ave. You will need to bring a valid photo ID to take the test. Minors under the age of 18 are only tested when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. People need to be prepared to stay in their car while waiting for the test.
In addition, tests can be conducted at private laboratories, clinics, pharmacies and walk-in clinics throughout Marion County.
COVID-19 treatment
Monoclonal antibody therapy is widely available in Florida. Monoclonal antibody therapy can prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and death in patients infected with COVID-19 or at high risk of being infected with COVID-19.
Anyone over the age of 12 who is considered to be at high risk of serious illness due to COVID-19 is eligible for this treatment.
See for more information on monoclonal antibody therapy (such as where it is administered).
For more information, please contact the Ministry of Health of Marion County (352-644-2590).
Please look at the details
visit, When For the latest information on COVID-19 and vaccination.visit Use vaccine locators and test site tools to find a vaccination and test site near you.
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