Mild Covid cases can be managed at home with symptomatic treatment: AIIMS Physician
New Delhi : On Monday, Dr. Neeraj Nischal, an additional professor of AIIMS School of Medicine, said: Covid-19 infected patients People with mild symptoms do not need to be hospitalized and can be managed at home with symptomatic treatment.
Doctors emphasized the fact that the antiviral drug molnupiravir is not a magical drug for the disease, stating that there is no specific drug for Covid-19 and the treatment is still symptomatic.
He, Covid patient This surge in infection with Omicron has so far shown mild symptoms.
All you need is close directed by He said the percentage of patients at risk, especially those with comorbidities and those who have not yet been vaccinated.
“Pandemic doesn’t mean that,” said Dr. Nishal. Unless you have a doctor Prescribe multiple medications or flashy pills that you are not going to be okay with. At the end of the day, patience, positive attitude and paracetamol will pass through the majority of patients. “
The federal government said on Monday that 5-10% of these active Covid cases require hospitalization, but the situation is dynamic and can change rapidly. The statement further stated that during the second wave of Covid infections in the country, the proportion of active cases requiring hospital care ranged from 20-23%.
“The data for this particular molecule is not as robust as claimed. Most importantly, the population tested and the type of viral mutation that was prevalent at the time were quite different from today’s scenario. “He said.
Molnupiravir works by inducing mutations in the virus by replacing one of the components that is also present in human genetic material.
“Therefore, apart from the theoretical possibility of choosing a more dangerous mutant virus, it also affects rapidly dividing cells in humans, such as male genital cells, pregnant female fetuses, young adults and children’s bones and cartilage. It can affect you. “The doctor explained.
People should keep in mind that this drug is at risk of developing a serious illness and is given a restricted emergency use authorization in a highly selective group of patients with no other treatment options. ..
“Therefore, known and unknown harm far exceeds the limited benefits it may provide, so efforts should be made to limit the use of this drug. It should not be an over-the-counter drug. , Must be prescribed with great care. “
Dr. Ballam Bhargava, Secretary of the Indian Medical Research Council, said last week that molnupiravir has serious safety concerns and is not included in the national protocol for the treatment of Covid-19.
Another drug prescribed to patients is a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies (casilibimab and indevimab). It should be remembered that this is not effective against Omicron and its use in previously infected / vaccinated populations is not clear, Dr. Nishal said.
Therefore, he emphasized that in the current context, it should not be used unreasonably.
Dr. Nishal said he needed to maintain confidence that a healthy lifestyle, vaccination, and following proper behavior could boost the immune response.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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