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Pregnant females were urged to receive the COVID vaccine | Coronavirus

Pregnant females were urged to receive the COVID vaccine | Coronavirus


The Allegheny Health Network’s Women’s Institute is able to vaccinate all pregnant patients with COVID-19 as much as possible as the latest pandemic surge caused by Delta and Omicron variants continues to dominate western Pennsylvania. I strongly urge you to receive it as soon as possible.

The recommendation follows the latest study published last week by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stating that COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is not associated with preterm birth or underweight newborns.

This is the latest evidence of an ever-increasing set of evidence showing the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, especially when compared to the results reported among unvaccinated pregnant patients infected with COVID-19. is.

“Unvaccinated pregnant women and their babies are at increased risk of serious consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization, stillbirth and even death,” said Marcia Klein, Ph.D., OB-GYN doctor and chairman of the AHN Women’s Association. -Dr. Patel said. “On behalf of the many doctors and clinicians that make up the AHN Women’s Association, pregnant women receive COVID-19 vaccination not only for their own health and well-being, but also for the health of their babies. I can’t fully express its importance. “

Pregnant women infected with COVID are three times more likely to die than non-pregnant women of the same reproductive age, and the delta mutation increases that rate five-fold, according to data released by the CDC in November. Did. The delta mutation also significantly increased the risk of stillbirth in pregnant women with COVID-19 from 47% to 304% when compared to uninfected individuals.

“In reality, pregnant women who choose not to be vaccinated are at unnecessary risk, and there are catastrophic cases in which the mother did not pass the COVID-19 infection to see her newborn.” Said Dr. Ellen. Hancox, AHN Women’s Institute – OBGYN / Erie Physician. “It is a privilege to serve patients who are entrusted with our care, and therefore the importance of COVID-19 vaccination to a surprisingly low acceptance rate patient population, especially with the arrival of very high patients. It is our responsibility to continue to emphasize. Infectious Omicron variants. “

According to the CDC, more than 30% of pregnant women are vaccinated with COVID-19 nationwide, while nearly 70% of the general population receive at least the first dose.

AHN continues to increase the number of pregnant women who want to be vaccinated, but still not at an extremely high rate.

“We believe in the science of the COVID-19 vaccine and its ability to protect pregnant and new mothers from serious consequences, especially death. In addition, vaccination with COVID antibodies in the mother’s umbilical cord and breast milk. It has been shown to enhance and pass on this important protection to vulnerable newborns, “said Dr. Ron Thomas, a maternal and fetal medicine doctor and clinical vice chairman of the AHN Women’s Institute. “There is no reason to delay. If the fear of vaccination persists, it is highly recommended that the patient consult a doctor for further guidance and dispel any misinformation.”

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine recommended that all pregnant individuals be vaccinated with COVID-19 with either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccination, including booster shots. ..

Patients wishing to book a vaccine can access the network’s online scheduling portal. to your MyChart account. Contact AHN OB / GYN or your primary care physician. Or contact your local pharmacy.





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