“Used Vaping” may be unhealthy — could a public ban come? -Consumer Health News
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 (HealthDay News)-New research reports that used steam from e-cigarettes is harmful to others, causing bronchitis symptoms and shortness of breath in young bystanders. ..
Indirect exposure to steam increased the risk of teenagers with bronchitis symptoms by 40% and shortness of breath by 53%, according to a study published online on January 10 in the journal. rib cage..
For those who do not inhale or smoke, the effect is exacerbated. Researchers have found that they are three times more likely to develop symptoms of bronchitis and twice more likely to develop wheezing and shortness of breath.
“These people are really suffering more,” said Principal Investigator Dr. Talat Islam. He is an assistant professor of research population and public health science at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Among those who have never inhaled or smoked, “the effects of indirect exposure from inhaling vapors were much greater.”
The health effects of indirect smoking are similar in magnitude to those associated with indirect smoking and should encourage more US regions to ban e-cigarettes in public places, Islam said. His colleague concluded.
According to the American Lung Association, 16 states and the District of Columbia have added e-cigarettes to the indoor clean air law. Overall, 28 states have passed a comprehensive indoor clean air law.
This study Dr. Laura Crottier Alexander, chief of VA San Diego Healthcare Systems’ Pulmonary Critical Care, says there is increasing evidence that e-cigarettes are not as safe as people say.
“Some people still believe that the arc contains a water-based aerosol, where there is no water at all. It’s a pure chemical, and some are very similar to antifreeze,” he said. Alexander, who wrote, said editorial Accompanied by research.
“Usually, the aerosols of these e-cigarettes contain about 50 to 100 chemicals, which the lungs hate,” she continued. “It’s not healthy for your lungs. It damages your lungs and causes illness.”
For this study, Islam and his colleagues collected data from the Children’s Health Study in Southern California, an ongoing study that surveyed groups of teens and young adults each year from 2014 to 2019. Was analyzed.
In each study, participants were asked if they suffered from bronchitis, daily cough, congestion, sputum, wheezing, or shortness of breath during the previous year.They were also asked if they were exposed to either Used vaping or smoke..
The proportion of teens and young adults exposed to used e-cigarettes rose from 12% to 16% between 2014 and 2019, although Indirect smoking Investigators found a reduction from 27% to 21%.
Researchers have found that people exposed to second-hand e-cigarettes have bronchitis and shortness of breath, even after considering other possible lung health factors, such as active e-cigarettes and exposure to smoke from cigarettes and weeds. Reported high risk.
Of the approximately 2,100 teenagers included in the survey, approximately 1,200 said they had not smoked or vaporized within the past month. These were the young people whose lung health was most strongly affected by second-hand arcs, findings showed.
“Children are exposed to fairly high levels of exposure because parents are unaware of the risks,” Alexander said. “People are quite aware of the dangers of cigarette smoke, so people will be careful about smoking around their children. They will stop smoking in cars and homes.”
But she went on to say, “When they started adding e-cigarettes, those devices were recognized as safe and would smoke in their car or home.”
According to the American Lung Association chemicals The vapors of e-cigarettes include:
- Propylene glycol is a common food additive that is also used in the production of antifreeze and paint solvents.
- Carcinogens such as acetaldehyde and formaldehyde.
- Acrolein, herbicide.
- Diacetyl that has been shown to cause “popcorn lungs”.
- Diethylene glycol, another substance used in antifreeze.
- Heavy metals such as nickel, tin and lead.
- Smog components such as benzene and ultrafine particles.
“I don’t know if the aerosol that comes out when people are vaping contains nicotine, but there are many others,” Islam said. “These chemicals can be very harmful to respiratory health.”
For more information
American Lung Association Indoor clean air method..
Sources: Talat Islam, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Research Population and Public Health Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles; Laura Crotti Alexander Doctor of Medicine, Section Chief, Pulmonary Emergency Medicine, VA San Diego Healthcare System. rib cage,January. October 2022, online
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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