How long do I need to quarantine if I get COVID? See CDC guidelines

Federal government last week Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidance When to quarantine and when to quarantine COVID-19.. Many people are confused about the new recommendations that have changed the number of days and who needs quarantine. We asked a local doctor to help us understand these guidelines and the difference between quarantine and quarantine.
According to the CDC, the guidelines have been changed with new information that they tend to be infected 2-3 days after exposure before symptoms appear, up to 8 days after symptoms appear, and become less infectious daily. ..
What is the difference between quarantine and quarantine?
If you are in close contact with a person who tests positive for COVID-19, but have not yet tested positive, you are quarantined. If the test is positive, separation is entered and days counting is resumed.
If the COVID-19 test is positive, it is quarantined. It doesn’t matter if you have symptoms.
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How are the days of quarantine or quarantine counted?
In the case of quarantine, day 0 is the day of close contact with someone at COVID-19. The first day is the first full day after contacting us.
In quarantine, day 0 is the first positive test. The first day is the first full day after a positive test.
Need to quarantine?
Those who have the latest information on vaccination do not need to be quarantined. Being up-to-date means having a shot of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, more than five months after Pfizer’s full vaccination. If so, it has been boosted for 6 months. Two months for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. You should be tested 5 days after close contact with a person with COVID-19.
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“That’s good news,” said Dr. Stanley Spinner, Vice President and Chief Health Officer of Texas Pediatrics and Texas Pediatric Emergency Medicine. If you’re boosted or it’s not time to boost yet, but you’ve completed the first series, “you’re presumed to have good protection.”
If you do not have the latest information on vaccination and you are in close contact with someone who has a positive test result, you should be quarantined for 5 days.
What does close contact with COVID-19 mean?
Close contact was within 6 feet of someone for at least 15 minutes and tested positive regardless of whether they were wearing a mask or where you were. It’s also cumulative. Within 6 feet of 3 people who tested positive for 5 minutes, this corresponds to 15 minutes and the need for quarantine.
The CDC has various guidelines for setting up a school.
For school students, close contact means being within 3 feet of a person infected with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes over a 24-hour period in an indoor environment such as a classroom or in a structured outdoor environment. To do. For students, close contact can also mean within 6 feet of someone indoors for more than 15 minutes in 24 hours if both people are not wearing masks or are not wearing masks properly. ..
For adults, it means close contact within 6 feet of someone for at least 15 minutes, regardless of settings or mask use.
Each school district has its own policy under the guidance of the Texas Education Agency and the CDC. If in doubt, follow stricter rules.
Dr. Suneet Singh, Medical Director of CareHive Health, said: “This is still spliced together.”
He said things are evolving. After one positive case, the school is no longer closed and cleaned.
What does COVID-19 quarantine mean?
Quarantine means not going out of the house for a full five days. I don’t go to the grocery store, school, or work. Inside the house, wear a mask to prevent other people in the house from being exposed.
How can I get out of the quarantine?
If negative and asymptomatic, you can end the quarantine on the 6th day, but monitor the symptoms until the 10th day and wear all masks until the 10th day. Remember the Austin level Stage 5 safety guidelines. You should wear a mask everywhere, regardless of quarantine or vaccination status. Avoid traveling or being around high-risk people.
The meaning of stage 5 is as follows.Austin returns to Stage 5 of the COVID Guidelines. What will change for you?
If you experience symptoms, isolate until the test result is negative.
According to Spinner, the difficulty in completing quarantine with children on day 5 instead of day 10 at school is that it is impossible to wear a mask all the time at school. They have to have lunch, and when they do, they don’t wear masks.
The Texas Education Agency has updated its student guidance on the 10th instead of the 14th, following the CDC’s recommendations. Staff can get out of the quarantine five days after close contact.
What does it mean to separate?
Regardless of vaccination status, if you are positive or have symptoms, you should stay at home and quarantine for 5 days. This means that you are wearing a mask around other people in your house and trying to stay as far away as possible from other family members.
You will not go out of the house during the quarantine period.
When can I end the quarantine?
If you have symptoms, you should wait a full 5 days after a positive test, then have no fever for 24 hours without medication and your symptoms have improved. If you are seriously ill, wait at least 10 days after a positive test before contacting your doctor.
In the absence of symptoms, the quarantine period is 5 or 6 days after a positive test.
Once out of quarantine, wear a mask for at least 10 days and avoid traveling or being around people at high risk of serious illness.
Texas Education Agency guidelines allow staff to avoid fever 5 days after a positive test if they are asymptomatic, 5 days if their symptoms improve, and an additional 24 hours. Students can get out of isolation 10 days after the onset of symptoms or a positive test and have no fever for 24 hours.
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If someone in my family is quarantining, do I need to quarantine?
Unless you have been in close contact with someone in COVID-19, you do not need to be quarantined. That is, if the child is sent home from school and told to quarantine, but there are no symptoms and the test is positive, the parents, siblings, or others in the home do not need to be quarantined. ..
Everything changes when the child shows positives or symptoms. Second, the entire family in close contact with the child needs to be quarantined, and the child is quarantined.
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Why is COVID-19 quarantine and quarantine different from influenza and other illnesses?
“COVID is much more contagious than the common colds and flu in the original strain, and because we went to Delta and Omicron, it was much more contagious,” Spinner said.
We know that even if you feel good, you can spread COVID-19 for a few days after a positive test. We also know that even non-symptomatic people can spread it.
Fortunately, COVID-19 has not yet reached measles infectivity, but is approaching that level, Spinner said. If so, he said, anyone in a room with a positive test would have to be quarantined.
Why is it important to follow the COVID-19 quarantine and quarantine guidance?
Shin explains that it’s like a butterfly effect. If one person is quarantined or not quarantined, more people will be infected and need to be quarantined and quarantined.
“When so many people get sick, it robs so many of the workforce. Grocery stores, restaurants and businesses must be closed,” he said.
Omicron variants are not thought to cause less serious illness, especially in vaccinated people, but vaccines such as those under 4 years of age who are not vaccinated or those with underlying illness. It can cause hospitalization and death in unvaccinated people.
“It’s very important to work together to keep each other safe,” Shin said.
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