Health Examination: Summary of 306 New Cases in Berkshire and COVID-19 Headings This Week | Coronavirus
![Health Examination: Summary of 306 New Cases in Berkshire and COVID-19 Headings This Week | Coronavirus Health Examination: Summary of 306 New Cases in Berkshire and COVID-19 Headings This Week | Coronavirus](,502,21,0&resize=956,502&order=crop,resize)
We have all been following the news of gasping and coronavirus for three years. If you feel a little tired, we are with you. If this week was an “off” week under the COVID-19 heading, here’s what you missed, along with tips for the Massachusetts Western Public Health Institute for providing the information used here.
Digital vaccine record: A new tool will give you a digital copy of the COVID-19 vaccination record. It’s called MyVax Records. If you are vaccinated in this condition, you can check your history and get a digital vaccine card. You can generate your own QR code and save it to a phone file, camera roll, or Apple Wallet for iPhone users. You can also print.visit
Are you feeling sick? I take a test: Currently, the Department of State advises everyone to have a COVID-19 test when symptoms appear or five days after close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID.
Insurance obligation: The Biden administration is now requiring insurance companies and group health insurance to cover the cost of a certain number of over-the-counter home COVID-19 tests. If you have private health insurance, you can get up to 8 free tests a month from Saturday. Do you have health insurance? The website hasn’t been launched yet, but a website is approaching where you can sign up to receive a free test kit by email. The government buys and presents 500 million commercial household kits.
School mask: Keep them. The State Department of Primary and Secondary Education has extended the mask requirements until February 28th.
More guard help coming: National Guard members are already assisting in medical facilities, Including Berkshire Medical Center and Fairview Hospital.. Governor Baker has activated another 500 guards this week, doubling the number ordered to deploy on December 21st. The military provides non-clinical support in hospitals, nursing homes and dialysis centers. The added troops will roll on Monday.
Latest local and state data: As of Friday, 306 newly confirmed COVIDs-19 In Berkshire County, a 7-day moving average 214.1 New daily case..That is 120 Percent increase From 2 weeks ago.
Berkshire Health Systems 29 inpatients COVID-19 test positive As of Friday, Increased from 21 on Wednesday. The hospital has admitted 59 COVID-19-positive patients in the last 14 days.
there was One new death The total number of pandemics reported in Berkshire County was 352.
Berkshire County High transmittance, According to the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionRegardless of vaccination status, it is advisable to wear a mask indoors at a significant or high level of infection.
State-wide 12,864 newly identified COVID-19 cases..State had 3,223 inpatients, When 64 new deaths report. To date, 20,450 people in Massachusetts have died from COVID-19.
Throughout Massachusetts, 74.69 percent of the population is fully vaccinated, According to the state data.. County-level vaccination rates are reported weekly and 72 percent of Berkshire County residents Fully vaccinated as of last week.
Cases among fully vaccinated state residents: As of January 8, 262,060 infections have been reported, accounting for 5.1% of all cases. Of these cases, 4,553 were hospitalized (0.09%) and 1,054 died (0.02%).
Last two weeks at a glance: In Wednesday’s weekly report, the State Public Health Service provided this COVID-19 data for Berkshire County.
Total number of cases: 16,345
Number of cases in the last 14 days: 3,200
Average daily incidence per 100,000 people (last 14 days): 180.8
Relative change: higher
Total test: 664,250
Last 14 days of testing: 26,930
Number of positive results in the last 14 days: 3,345
Positive rate for the last 14 days: 12.42
Community data: This is this week’s number from DPH for coronavirus cases identified by city and town. All Berkshire County communities are listed in alphabetical order. The first number is the total number of cases during the pandemic. The second is the number of new cases in the last 14 days.
Adams: 1,081, 190
Alford: less than 18, 5
Beckett: 174, 36
Cheshire: 404, 75
Clarksburg: 207, 28
Dalton: 812, 181
Egremont: 53, 14
Florida: 71, 5
Great Barrington: 908, 176
Hancock: 36, less than 5
Hinsdale: 236, 56
Lanesborough: 338, 64
Lee: 727, 160
Lenox: 521, 107
Monterey: 46, 8
Mount Washington: less than 10, 5
New Ashford: less than 15, 5
New Marborough: 77, 16
North Adams: 1,757,286
Otis: 148, 25
Peru: 63, 17
Pittsfield: 6,984, 1,339
Richmond: 101, 23
Sandis Field: 122, 16
Savoy: 73, 8
Shefield: 305, 93
Stock bridge: 131, 26
Tillingham: 23, 6
Washington: 34, 7
Weststock Bridge: 95, 18
Williamstown: 710, 203
Windsor: 65, 8
Test site: Tests for COVID-19 are available at the following URL: The following three places:
• Pittsfield – Adjacent to 505 East St., St Luke’s Square, BHS Urgent Care – Open 24/7 from 8:30 am to 4 pm
• North Adams – 98 Church St. next to the North Adams Library – Open 7 days a week from 8:30 am to 4 pm
• Great Barrington – 475 Main St., next to the Great Barrington Police Station – Open 7 days a week from 8am to noon.
Test appointments are required everywhere. Call 855-262-5465 or visit the following website The hotline is usually open daily from 8 am to 4:30 pm.
Access to vaccines: The Community Health Program has posted a mobile vaccination van schedule at: Vaccines are available without reservation. For more information, please call 413-429-2946.
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