Do the Omicron numbers mean what we think they mean?

There is an urban legend about a Texas man who takes a rifle next to a barn and sprays bullets on the wall more or less randomly. He then finds the densest clusters of holes and draws bullseye around each. Later, impressed by the exhibit, passers-by roam in search of marksmen. A reversal of cause and effect gives rise to a Texas sharpshooter.
Sharpshooter errors are often used by scientists to explain the tendency to narrative data after the fact. We may observe an abnormal grouping of cancer cases, return to the explanation, carefully select the statistics, and ignore the whims of chance.When we tinker COVID-19 Winter surge, this story has a deeper lesson about the dangers of interpreting data without a complete understanding of the context. Omicron has changed the risk and consequences of infection due to its extraordinary contagiousness and relative mildness, but has never read the statistics that have led to the pandemic. Do the numbers still mean what we think they mean?
Coronavirus infections are not like they used to be. Studies show that compared to Delta, Omicron is one-third to one-half more likely to send someone to the hospital.Some estimates suggest that older vaccinated people may die COVID It is currently lower than the risk of seasonal flu. Still, this variant imposes medical, social, and economic penalties. (Omicron poses a major threat to those who are still unvaccinated.) The United States has recorded an average of more than 800,000 cases of coronavirus per day, three times the peak last winter. Given the increasing use of home testing, this official number significantly underestimates the actual number of infections. We don’t know how many rapid tests are used each day or what percentage is positive. It is an unreliable traditional indicator, such as the community test positive rate used to guide all policies from school closures to sporting events.
There are many other numbers we would like to know. How likely is Omicron to get the worst flu in his life, not the pungent cold? How does that risk increase with the number and severity of the medical conditions that a person has? How likely is it that symptoms will be prolonged after a mild illness? How long does immunity last after a booster shot or infection? Americans aren’t waiting to find it. Last week, social distance and self-quarantine rates rose to their highest levels in almost a year, and food, shopping and social gatherings fell to new lowest levels. Half of Americans believe it will take at least a year to return to their pre-pandemic life. Three-quarters feel that they are more likely to get the virus today, a year after the vaccine is available, just as it was when the pandemic began.
Should we focus on the number of cases? Some experts, including Anthony Fauci, claim that hospitalization is a better marker of viral damage. Currently, more than 150,000 Americans are hospitalized for coronavirus. This is more than any other time in the pandemic. But that number is also quite different from what it looks like.Many hospitalizations COVID The patient has no respiratory symptoms. They were hospitalized for other reasons — heart attack, hip fracture, cancer surgery — and happened to be positive for the virus. There are no national estimates of the percentage of “accidental” inpatients COVIDBut in New York, about 40% of inpatients COVID It is believed to have been accepted for other reasons.The Los Angeles County Health Department reported that accidental infections accounted for about two-thirds. COVID Hospitalization at the hospital. (Pediatrics COVID Hospitalization has reached a record level. This is probably because the infectivity of Omicron means that more children are infected with the virus. However, there is little evidence that the variant causes a more serious illness. )
Clarifying the difference between a virus that causes illness and a virus that simply rides on a vehicle is more than an academic exercise.When asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic infections are aggregated as follows: COVID Hospitalization carries the risk of exaggerating the damage of the virus and all the associated social and economic implications.Exaggerating the accidental degree COVID, There is a risk of promoting a false sense of security. Currently, there is no data collection practice or unified framework in the United States to separate one type of hospitalization from another. Complicating all of this is that people who are hospitalized are “complexed. COVIDFrom the person who was hospitalized COVID.. For some patients, coronavirus infection can exacerbate a seemingly irrelevant condition. COVID Fever causes delirium in older women with urinary tract infections. A bout of diarrhea dehydrates a man hospitalized for sickle cell disease. In such a case COVID Is not an innocent bystander and does not ignite. Add enough craters to put manageable problems into crisis.
Our ability to participate in this discussion is a positive development.Almost everything in Alpha and Delta COVID Hospitalization was associated with an infectious disease. The situation is different from Omicron. This is a function of both a reduced ability to replicate in the lungs and an excellent ability to infect people who have been vaccinated or have been previously infected with the virus. Still, analyzing numbers at the moment of crisis can seem like a subordinate purpose. Omicron puts an undeniable burden on the healthcare system. Last week, a quarter of US hospitals reported a serious staff shortage. Many postpone non-urgent surgery and some ask employees to continue working after infection. Some states have called the National Guard. Others have enacted “crisis standard of care”. This allows overwhelmed hospitals to limit or refuse treatment for some patients (ICU beds, ventilators, and other life-saving resources) in order to prioritize those who are likely to benefit.
But this wave will also pass — probably soon. At the end of it, the majority of Americans may have some degree of immunity as a result of vaccination, infection, or both. Perhaps it leaves a complex set of questions about how to approach the epidemic stage of the virus and live with it. Are you willing to accept any level of illness? What is the purpose of the further restrictions? What do we owe each other? You can see the answer by looking at the numbers clearly. But it’s up to us to paint the target. ♦
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