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Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: 4 Things Every Woman Should Know

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: 4 Things Every Woman Should Know


Cervical cancer 4th most common cancer India accounts for a quarter of all women worldwide. About 1,22,844 cases of cervical cancer occur each year in this country, accounting for one-third of all cancer deaths worldwide.

“Unlike most other cancers, these numbers are alarming because there are effective screening methods for detecting and early detection of women who may develop cancer in the future. Separately, we are immunizing against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which has been identified as the causative agent of more than 99% of cervical cancers, “said Dr. Geeth Monnappa, an obstetrics and gynecology consultant at Fortis La Femme Hospital in Richmond Road. I am saying. Bangalore.

According to doctors, there are some things every woman needs to know Cervical cancer; read.

1. What is the cause of cervical cancer?

HPV causes most cancers, and it takes 15 to 20 years from infection to the onset of cancer. This provides a large window for identifying women who are at high risk of developing cancer.

“Gardasil 9 is now available in India. Protects from 7 high-risk strains that cause cancer Two strains that cause genital warts and provide better protection compared to older vaccines. If given to all girls before the onset of sexual activity, it can result in a dramatic reduction in the number of cervical cancers, “says Dr. Monnappa.

HPV is the most common viral infection of the reproductive tract. Most sexually active women, with or without symptoms, get an infection at some point in their lives.

There are more than 100 types of HPV, of which about 14 are high-risk types that cause cancer. Most infections in females are resolved within 2 years without intervention. In some cases, high-risk strains of the virus survive for more than two years and integrate with cells to progress to cervical cancer. Regular screening is the key to early detection.

2. Warning signs and symptoms

– Abnormal bleeding: Excessive bleeding during the menstrual cycle, bleeding during the period, or bleeding after sexual intercourse requires urgent attention and evaluation.

– Postmenopausal bleeding: Bleeding after a year of menstrual cessation requires a complete assessment to rule out cancer of the uterus and cervix.

– Vaginal malodorous secretions: This is often due to a vaginal infection, but the foul-smelling vaginal discharge can be a symptom of cervical cancer.

– Severe back pain: This often occurs in the advanced stages of cervical cancer.

3. Importance of early detection

Papanicolaou stain specimen

what is that?

Look for changes in cells in the cervix that can lead to cancer.

How is it done?

This is done as an outpatient treatment, inserting a metal or plastic instrument to open the vagina and visualize the cervix (cervix). Some cells are taken from the cervix for microscopic examination.

Does it hurt?

You may feel the same slight discomfort that you feel during a vaginal examination.

Who should accomplish it?

all woman Regular Papanicolaou stain inspections should be performed every 3 years between 21 and 65 years. If a woman is screened with HPV DNA 25 years later with a Papanicolaou smear (preferably over the Papanicolaou test alone), the screening interval can be extended to 5 years.

When can I stop screening for cervical cancer?

65 years after the previous three reports were normal, after non-cancerous hysterectomy (hysterectomy).

Do I need to continue screening after receiving the HPV vaccine?

Yes, the vaccine is not 100% effective against cervical cancer and does not cover all high-risk strains of the virus.

4. Preventable cancer

HPV vaccine
Ideal age for vaccination: 9-14 years before the start of sexual activity.
Dose: Administered twice at 6-month intervals.
15-45 years later: We recommend 3 doses.

“Safe sexual activity, condom use, and limiting the number of sexual partners can reduce the risk of developing HPV infections and cancer,” explains the doctor.

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