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Over 50% of Eligible Toronto Residents Have Received a Third COVID-19 Vaccine – City of Toronto

Over 50% of Eligible Toronto Residents Have Received a Third COVID-19 Vaccine – City of Toronto


news release

January 17, 2022

Thanks to Team Toronto’s continued vaccination efforts, more than 50 percent of eligible Toronto residents received a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Team Toronto has made third doses at Toronto City-run clinics, mobile clinics, hospital partner clinics, and more than 525 local pharmacies and clinics.

Last weekend, Team Toronto held a clinic to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to children and educated workers prior to returning to today’s in-class learning.

Last Friday, the city added 8,000 new COVID-19 vaccination appointments across five city-operated immune clinics. This includes today’s 4,488 new bookings. There are still reservations available for eligible adults or children to be vaccinated today.Appointments can be booked immediately with the state booking system here .. Those who are eligible to accelerate their first, second, or third dose are highly advised to move their bookings today. Municipal clinics are almost fully booked for the rest of the week.

Given the emergence of new Omicron variants and the continued community infection of Delta variants, TPH encourages all eligible residents to book a third dose. Residents who have not received the first or second COVID-19 vaccination are advised to do so as soon as possible. The COVID-19 vaccine reduces the risk of serious illness, hospitalization and death while protecting yourself, your loved ones and your community.

Team Toronto continues to vaccinate thousands of residents. Currently, the following vaccination clinic locations are in operation.

Municipal Immune Clinic

Five city-run immune clinics continue to add new appointments to the first, second, and third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.Click blue to book “Book a vaccine” button Or call 1-833-943-3900. Municipal clinics are easily accessible by transportation and there is free parking on site. Clinic staff can also provide resources in multiple languages. If you have an appointment for vaccination, you can also bring a support person to help you with the translation.

State-wide municipal clinics and healthcare partners await further shipments of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine later this month, while all Toronto-operated clinics administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to residents over the age of 30. increase.

Those who have an appointment for vaccination will be asked to arrive at the vaccination clinic within 10 minutes. There is a vaccine dose available to everyone who has an appointment. Arrival earlier than necessary does not affect availability. There are no carry-on reservations at the municipal vaccination clinic. For more information on the city-operated immune clinic’s transportation and on-site equipment, see City COVID-19: Vaccination Methods. Web page

Metro Toronto Convention Center

255 Front St. W., Lower Level, Constitution Hall Rooms 105, 106 and 107 (Entrance from John WH Bassett Theater on Front Street, accessible entrance to the west side of the Second Cup door)

Cloverdale Mall

250 East Mall (Northern end of the mall (inside the old target store, enter the clinic only from the outside entrance))

Scarborough Town Center

300 Borough Dr. (East side of the center, near Entrance 2, enter the clinic from the outside of the mall)

Mitchell Field Community Center

89 Church Avenue (entrance from the front entrance of the community center on the east side of the gym building)

Woodbine Racetrack

500 Rexdale Boulevard (inside the Hudson Bay store, enter from the entrance on the 2nd floor)

Hospital Partner Clinic

Residents will be asked to directly visit the website of the local medical team for up-to-date clinic information.

Pharmacy clinic

Currently, there are 525 pharmacies in Toronto that provide the first, second and third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. For a complete list of participating pharmacies, see the Ontario Pharmacy Map: https: //

For more information

To easily connect to resources such as vaccine reservations and information about vaccines, Toronto residents text “VACCINE” on 1-833-750-0888 or 833-750-0888 for more information through the city’s VaxTO program. You can send a message.

Residents also need to continue public health measures such as wearing masks, hand hygiene and physical distance. People with COVID-19 symptoms are asked to stay home and be tested as soon as possible.More information about COVID-19 in Toronto is available here

With over 2.9 million people living in Toronto, its diversity and experience make this wonderful city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the most diverse and livable cities in the world. Toronto, the fourth largest city in North America, is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture and innovation, and is consistently ranked at the top of the international rankings with investment by governments, residents and businesses. For more information, City website Or follow us twitter, Instagram also Facebook..

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