Can a person be infected twice with Omicron?This is what experts say | Health News
New Delhi: Omicron is known to cause covid reinfection, but there is still no strong evidence to support those who are re-affected by vaccine avoidance strains, Indian health experts said here on Monday. rice field. However, they did not rule out such a possibility.
The immunity of an individual primed by a previous infection or vaccination has a memory of the parent virus.
However, there are many differences because Omicron deviates, that is, it deviates significantly from its parent Covid strain.
As a result, “our immune system cannot recognize the virus as the original virus and therefore may be re-infected. In addition to the above, there is also a weakening of the immune system of naturally infected individuals over time. It contributes to reinfection, “Dr. Dip TS, an associate professor of infectious diseases at Amrita Hospital in Kochi, told IANS.
Despite reinfection, there is “not yet strong evidence” of Omicron recurring in individuals, added Dr. Ashok Mahashur, a thoracic physician consultant at PD Hinduja Hospital, and MRC in Mahim, Mumbai.
A recent study led by Imperial College London in the United Kingdom showed that the risk of reinfection with the Omicron mutant was 5.4 times that of the Delta mutant.
“This means that protection against reinfection by Omicron caused by past infections may be as low as 19 percent,” the researchers said.
Dr. Rahul Pandit, Director of Critical Care at Fortis Hospitals Mumbai, said: Having vaccinated and having antibodies, or both, this is known as “hybrid immunity.”
Omicron has more than 30 mutations in pesplomers to help escape immunity. Therefore, people who used to have antibodies are also infected.
“But I don’t know if the Omicron infection will reoccur in these people. It hasn’t been studied and seen yet,” Pandit, who is also a member of the Covid-19 Task Force in National and Maharashtra, told IANS. rice field.
“You should not speculate if such a reinfection will occur. I have never seen a case of an Omicron patient reinfecting another Omicron infection. It has not been reported anywhere in medical journals or medicine. Hmm, it’s still literature. “
However, some Western experts claim that Omicron may recur.
“Yes, Omicron is available twice,” said Stanley Weiss, a professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical College, in a media report.
“Although the data on Omicron has just been released, there is no reason to think that Omicron differs from previous variants in this regard,” added William Schaffner, a professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. ..
But Kingston Mills, a professor of immunology at Trinity College Dublin, said it was “too early” for people who had been infected and re-infected with the virus. The situation may become clear after six months, Mills was reportedly told the Financial Times.
According to Mahashur, cases of Covid reinfection have been reported in India, especially among people with weak immunity.
“The best way to prevent this is to follow Covid’s proper behavior because there is no way to know if the virus is present. The virus may be present, but the patient may be asymptomatic. It’s the best way to prevent it because it’s sexual, so it’s best to get vaccinated, wear a mask, wash your hands properly, and avoid crowded areas, “Mahashua told IANS.
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