Two studies detail the risks of COVID during pregnancy

January 19, 2022-Two new studies show how COVID-19 threatens the health of pregnant people and their newborns.
A study conducted in Scotland showed that unvaccinated pregnant women infected with COVID were much more likely to die in stillbirth or in the first 28 days. The study found that pregnant women infected with COVID died and required hospitalization at a much higher rate than pregnant vaccinated women.
The University of Edinburgh and Public Health Scotland surveyed national data on 88,000 pregnancies from December 2020 to October 2021. Nature medicine..
Overall, 77.4% of infectious diseases, 90.9% of COVID-related hospitalizations, and 98% of critical care centers occurred in unvaccinated people, as did all neonatal deaths.
According to the survey, 2,364 babies were born to women infected with COVID and 2,353 were born. Eleven babies were stillborn and eight live babies died within 28 days. Of the births, 241 were premature.
Researchers said the problem was likely to occur if the infection occurred within 28 days of delivery.
The authors said the problem was the low vaccination rate of pregnant women. Only 32% of those who gave birth in October 2021 were fully vaccinated, while 77% of the Scottish female population aged 18-44 years were fully vaccinated.
“Therefore, vaccine hesitation during pregnancy needs to be addressed in light of new recommendations for booster immunization 3 months after the first vaccination course, especially to help protect against new variants such as Omicron. There is, “the author writes. “Coping with low vaccine intake in pregnant women is essential to protect the health of women and babies in an ongoing pandemic.”
Complication rates for pregnant vaccinated females were about the same for all pregnant females.
Second study published in LancetFound that women who obtained COVID during pregnancy in five states in the western United States were more likely to have preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth, even with mild cases of COVID.
Researchers at the Seattle Institute for Systems Biology examined data on women who gave birth in Alaska, California, Montana, Oregon, or Washington from March 5, 2020 to July 4, 2021. positive. Of the positive tests, 85 were given in the first semester, 226 in the second semester, and 571 in the third semester. Pregnant females were not vaccinated at the time of infection.
Most of the problems during childbirth occur with infections in early and late pregnancy, and the study states that problems occurred even if the pregnant person did not suffer from respiratory complications, the main COVID symptom. increase.
“Pregnant people are at increased risk of adverse consequences after SARS-CoV-2 infection, even if their mother’s COVID-19 is less severe, and may benefit from enhanced post-infection monitoring. “There is,” said Jennifer Hadlock, MD, the author of the paper. news release..
The study also points out that medical inequality continues, with most positive cases occurring between Medicaid and young non-white people with a high classification of obesity index.
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