U of U Health will be conducting research on new contraceptive methods for men.
Salt Lake City (ABC4) – University of Utah scientists may ultimately be able to offer women, or rather their partners, who suffer from the common but often debilitating side effects of contraception.
U of U Health has announced plans to test a new contraceptive gel for men.
Previous research on this topic has led researchers to believe that hormone gels reduce sperm count in men. In other words, gel reduces the chances of a user having a child as a father without affecting libido.
“In our society, women are primarily responsible for contraception because women are not necessarily men and must endure the results,” said one of the lead researchers in the study. David Turok, MD, MPH, Head of Family Planning, said. U of U Health Obstetrics and Gynecology. “This is a great opportunity for men to step up and play an active role in the development of new contraceptive methods. By doing this, they are investing in their partners for a better future for all of us. Can be shown. “
Today, heterosexual and sexually active men want to minimize the risk of pregnancy for both themselves and their partners, but their options are limited. A new gel developed by the Population Council and the NIH Eunice Kennedy Schreiber National Institutes of Health and Human Development (NICHD) could help solve this problem by expanding contraceptive options, Turok said. increase.
Gels are made up of two hormones — synthetic progesterone called nestron and alternative testosterone. Nestron’s function is to block the natural testosterone production in the testes and reduce sperm count. Replacement testosterone, on the other hand, helps maintain libido and other natural functions that depend on hormones. It is important to note that the gel is applied to the shoulders of men and the effect of the product can be restored over time.
Scientists have invited a total of 12 couples to a two-year study that is part of a national Phase 2 clinical trial sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. Participants do not have to be U of U Health patients, but there are some requirements.
- All participants must be healthy and 18-50 years old (male) or 18-34 years old (female).
- All participants must be sexually active in a stable, monogamous relationship for at least the past year.
- Not all participants have a history of infertility.
- Females should have a regular menstrual cycle between 21 and 35 days.
Throughout the study, researchers track the effectiveness of the gel, the condition of hard-working men in applying the gel, and monitor sperm counts and testosterone levels in each man, while assessing the acceptability of the gel as a contraceptive method. To do.
When starting the study, men are asked to apply the gel once a day. Couples are asked to use additional contraceptive methods during the first 4-6 months of the study to ensure that the gel is fully effective. After scientists notice a proper decrease in sperm count, the couple will continue for the next 12 months using hormone gel as the only form of contraception.
After a year, men stop using the gel and the research team will continue to track sperm counts for at least 4 months after the study, or until they return to normal range.
Couples who choose to participate in the full two-year survey will have the opportunity to receive benefits of up to $ 3,490.
Click for more information on the survey here, Or click to inquire about participating in the survey here..
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