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Subvariants may be more dangerous than Omicron: Study

Subvariants may be more dangerous than Omicron: Study


February 18, 2022-Omicron subvariety BA.2 is not only more contagious than the original Omicron strain BA.1 but can also cause more serious illness, according to Japanese laboratories. The study states.

“Our multi-scale study suggests that the risk of BA.2 to global health is potentially higher than the risk of BA.1,” the researchers said in a study published on a preprint server. Was bioRxiv, This study has not yet been peer-reviewed.

Researchers have infected hamsters with BA.1 and BA.2. Hamsters infected with BA.2 get sick, have more lung damage, body weight.. The results were similar when mice were infected with BA.1 and BA.2.

“Infection experiments with hamsters show that BA.2 is more pathogenic than BA.1,” the study states.

Studies say that both BA.1 and BA.2 appear to evade the immunity caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. However, booster shots reduce the chances of post-infection illness by 74%, CNN said.

In addition, treatment Monoclonal antibody What was used to treat people infected with COVID did not significantly affect BA.2.

Researchers write that BA.2 was “almost completely resistant” to casilibimab and indevimab, and was 35 times more resistant to sotrovimab compared to the original B.1.1 virus.

“In summary, our data suggest that BA.2 may be the most feared variant of global health,” the researchers write. “Currently, both BA.2 and BA.1 are recognized together as omicrons, and they are almost indistinguishable. Based on our findings, BA.2 is recognized as an endemic variant of concern. I suggest that you should. SARS-CoV-2 variants should be closely monitored. “

If the World Health Organization recognizes BA.2 as a “unique variant of concern”, it will be given its own Greek letter.

However, some scientists have pointed out that laboratory discoveries do not always reflect what is happening in people’s real world.

“I find it always difficult to translate the differences between animal and cell culture models into what’s happening with human illness,” said Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Louisiana State University Health Shreveport. Dr. Jeremy Kamil said. Newsweek.. “That said, the difference looks real.”

“From a human point of view, it’s a worse virus than BA.1 and can be better transmitted and cause worse illness,” said Daniel Rhodes, MD, MD, MD, Dean of Microbiology, Cleveland, Ohio. rice field. CNN.. He reviewed Japanese studies, but he was not involved in it.

Another scientist who reviewed the study but was not involved in the study said that the human immune system COVID variant..

Dr. Deborah Fuller, a virologist at the University of Washington School of Medicine, said, “One of the warnings to consider when getting new variants that may look more dangerous is that the story has two sides. It’s a fact. ” , Told CNN. “our Immune system It is evolving as well. And it’s boosting things. “

Scientists have already established that BA.2 is more contagious than BA.1. According to CNN, Omicron subvarieties have been detected in 74 countries and 47 US states. About 4% of Americans with COVID were infected with BA.2, Outlet reported citing the CDC, which is now the dominant strain in other countries.

It is not yet clear whether BA.2 causes more serious illness in people. BA.2 spreads faster than BA.1, but there is no evidence that subvariants make people sick, World Health Organization officials said. According to CNBC..




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