Young women use the diagnosis of congestive heart disease to raise awareness of heart health.
Shemeka Campbell suddenly felt weak and dizzy while preparing to wash her hair at the end of a busy week. She was also a race in her heart. Campbell decided to lie down, hoping that her rest would help. But when she woke up the next morning, she didn’t feel so good.
“I was still short of breath and tired, so I went to emergency treatment, where they determined that my resting heart rate was in my 100s,” says Campbell. (Normal resting heart rate is 60-100 beats per minute, According to the American Heart Association, or AHA.. “I thought,’I’m young. This isn’t too serious,” says Campbell, who was 24 at the time. However, her emergency medical staff felt that was not the case and instructed her to go to her hospital.
Upon arriving at the hospital, the medical team took Campbell in a wheelchair to the back room. In a hurry, Campbell was connected to her heart monitor and given medication to slow her heart rate.
The doctor is in Campbell, he told that there is a supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). This electrical signal containing the upper chamber of the heart is abnormally ignited is the state where the heart rate increases. Campbell receives this news, she continued her life to not think too much about it.But the following year, Campbell met with her Cardiologist And she learned that she has dilated cardiomyopathy, heart ventricle and atrium, and diseases of the lower and upper atrium of the heart, respectively. At that time, she realized she had heart disease.
Dilated cardiomyopathy is a heart disease that affects 1 in 2500 Americans. According to AHA.. The disease is three times more common in black Americans than in white Americans. Often, the left ventricle, the heart’s main pump chamber, is involved, where the heart muscle begins to grow and thin. Beware of AHA.. As a result, the inside of the chamber becomes large. The doctor may not be aware of the condition until the pumping function of the heart is impaired.It’s the most common Causes of heart failure..
Family history of heart disease appears
When Campbell was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, her doctor ordered a genetic test to see if she had a hereditary disorder. Her test returned to negative and I was relieved.
Meanwhile, Campbell began taking medications to improve heart function and lower blood pressure. But in the next few years, Campbell will have two more SVT episodes, and as a result, Congestive heart failure.. More medications and higher doses of her current medications have been added to her treatment plan.
Her doctor also recommended an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) at the time, as Campbell’s heart condition can lead to cardiac arrest and death. However, her idea of wearing an embedded device seemed overwhelming, so Campbell decided to oppose it.
Campbell did not decide to get an implant until her sister Shemya died a year later at the age of 31 due to several health factors, including heart disease.
After Shemya’s death, Campbell began asking his family about heart disease. Her mother and her father had no heart disease, but she discovered that her great-grandmother, her grandmother, and several of her aunts had heart disease.
It is common to have a family history of premature heart disease.according to Studies published in Journal of the American Heart Association July 2019It is estimated that 27.8 million people over the age of 20 who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease in the United States can be identified from their family history.
“Knowing your family’s medical history is really important for all illnesses,” he says. Jennifer Mierre, MDHe is a professor of cardiology at Zucker School of Medicine in Hofstra Northwell, Hempstead, NY. Heart smart for women.. “Family history is an important factor in planning future health care. Everyone needs to discuss their family history with their doctor as part of a partnership with the medical team.”
In addition to family history, Dr. Mierez also emphasizes the importance of recognizing other risk factors for heart disease, including hypertension. High cholesterol, And be a smoker. Half of all Americans have at least one of these three major risk factors for heart disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)..
“Anyway, even if you have a clean family history of heart disease, heart disease should be a concern for everyone,” says Mierez.
How the ICD saved Campbell’s life
Heart disease was still on Campbell’s radar, but she didn’t think much about it after the ICD. She says, “I knew she had an ICD, so she wasn’t worried, so her stress was gone.” She said, “Her life was normal.” But three years later, in June 2021, she found that Campbell felt she was dizzy and crazy when she was at home at the time. I remember. “The next thing she knew was getting up from her floor,” she says. She learned that Campbell went to the emergency department of the hospital, where her heart entered ventricular fibrillation (vfib). This life-threatening arrhythmia can cause cardiac arrest and is very serious. According to AHA.. When you use the vfib, trembling instead of the lower chamber of the heart to contract properly, it can lead to cardiac arrest.
“My ICD shocked me and brought my mind back to normal rhythm,” says Campbell.
This year, 34-year-old Campbell was appointed National Ambassador to the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women campaign. She is working to raise awareness of heart disease by Campbell working with a team of women with heart-related problems to share her story.
Former 911 operators have recently turned their stress-relieving hobby of baking decorative cookies into an entrepreneurial spirit. Her Happy Treats is an online storefront bakery run by Campbell in her hometown of Milwaukee, specializing in decorative cookies on every occasion.
Campbell says she is living a fulfilling life today and encourages others facing health challenges to do the same. “Don’t think it’s the end of the world just because you’re sick,” she says. “That’s another reason you have to work harder to live.”
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