Bird flu found in a flock of commercial chickens in Delaware.How to stay safe
A test conducted Wednesday by the Delaware Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Veterinary Services of the United States Department of Agriculture confirmed cases of bird flu in a flock of chickens in Delaware.
Poultry on unnamed farms tested positive for the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza (HPAI), according to a DDA statement.
The DDA also stated that there were no public health concerns and that bird flu did not affect safe poultry and egg products.
“We will take immediate action to contain the disease and work with poultry owners, the industry, and our laboratory partners to prevent its spread,” said Secretary of Agriculture Michael T. Delaware. Skews says.
“This seems to be an isolated case and there are no reports of illness in the chicken industry. Delmaba poultry can be eaten safely and consumers can be confident in the safety of their food.”
Currently, the farm is under quarantine to stop the spread of bird flu to other herds in the state. This is the first case of H5N1 avian influenza in commercial poultry in Delaware since 2004.
Recent Cases of Avian Influenza in Wild Ducks:A case of bird flu reported in Delaware.How to protect yourself
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Birds on affected farms are depopulated to prevent the spread of the disease and do not enter the food system. Anyone who discovers an illegal invasion of a quarantined farm because of the severity of the disease “will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” the statement said.
“Avian influenza is an aerial respiratory virus that easily spreads among chickens through nasal and eye secretions, as well as manure,” the statement said. “The virus can spread from flock to flock in a variety of ways, including wild birds, contact with infected poultry, equipment, caretaker clothing and shoes.”
Although it is not known exactly how the virus was transmitted, Scuse advised all poultry herd owners to follow the strictest biosecurity on the farm to prevent the spread of the disease. These steps are as follows:
- Limit, monitor and record the movement of people, cars and animals on and off the farm.
- Only essential workers and vehicles are allowed to enter the farm to limit the possibility of bringing in viruses from the outside.
- Avoid visiting other poultry farms or unnecessarily moving from the farm.
- Disinfect equipment, vehicles, footwear, and other items that come into contact with the herd.
- Keep the flock away from wild birds and migratory birds, especially waterfowl.
- Isolate the sick animal and contact your veterinarian.
Provided by DDA More information on bird flu and poultry protection.. Backyard herd owners who have died of illness or abnormal death in the herd should email Poultry.Health @ or call (302) 698-4507.
Details of staff shortage:Farm destroying 2 million chickens due to plant shortage: Report
How to protect yourself from bird flu
- Do not harvest or handle wild birds that are clearly sick or dead.
- Do not eat, drink or smoke while cleaning the game.
- Wear rubber gloves when cleaning games or bird feeders.
- Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after handling the game or cleaning the bird feeder.
- Wash all tools and work surfaces with soap and water.
- Avoid mutual contamination of food. Store uncooked games in a separate container away from cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
- Thoroughly cook the meat of the game. Poultry need to reach an internal temperature of 165 ° F to kill diseased organisms and parasites.
Source: Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
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