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NSman collapsed during HPB exercise session died of coronary artery disease: Pentagon, HPB

NSman collapsed during HPB exercise session died of coronary artery disease: Pentagon, HPB


Singapore-25-year-old National Military (NSman) ready for operation Collapsed during a quick HIIT session with the Health Promotion Board (HPB) He died of coronary artery disease and was found on postmortem examination.

All HPB Quick HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) sessions were suspended on Monday (March 7th) due to a review of fitness program safety practices. Will remain.

The Ministry of Defense, the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), and the HPB are supporting the NSman family.

NSman, who attended the session under the NS Fitness Improvement Training (FIT) program, collapsed at the start of the main exercise after completing a warm-up at West Coast Park.

HPB and the Pentagon said in a statement last Thursday morning that he was soon attended by trainers from HPB’s external vendors.

The man was later sentenced to death at the National University Hospital (NUH).

Last Friday, the Chinese daily Lianhe Zaobao reported that, according to his cousin, the man pays attention to his health and goes for a run on a regular basis.

Relatives explained that NSman enrolled in HIIT training because he was able to meet NSmen’s annual fitness requirements and wanted to improve his overall fitness and health.

According to the statement, on-site safety briefings and health checks will be conducted prior to the start of all HPB physical activity programs.

Launched last year, the NSFIT program aims to encourage NSmen to lead an active and healthy lifestyle by bringing NS fitness activities closer to the community.

A variety of fitness activities are offered in 42 locations throughout the island, including a fitness conditioning center within the SAF camp and several public parks.

According to the NS Portal, those who at least fail to pass an individual fitness test can choose to participate in a 10-session program to meet their annual fitness requirements.

The Quick HIIT program is described as “a form of metabolic circuit training featuring short bursts of high intensity exercise that builds strength, endurance, and aerobic fitness over time.”




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