What is PCOS?Know everything about this hormonal disorder, treatment, etc.
![What is PCOS?Know everything about this hormonal disorder, treatment, etc. What is PCOS?Know everything about this hormonal disorder, treatment, etc.](
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is not a disease. This is a syndrome in which women have hormonal imbalances and irregular menstruation. It is common in women of the reproductive age group-17-36 years. Menstruation is usually irregular in young girls. However, it will need to be normalized after a few years. Irregular menstruation is the first sign of PCOS. There is also weight gain, oily skin and hair loss. Diagnosis is made by a blood test of hormones and an ultrasound of the pelvis.
The important thing to understand is that the term PCOS is a misnomer. There are no “cysts”. Ultrasonography shows excess follicles that fail to grow and ovulate at the right time, causing irregular menstruation and thus infertility. Infertility due to PCOS is increasing in young women due to the Western diet and sedentary habits.
How to fix PCOS?
* PCOS is approached as a syndrome rather than a disease.
* Women can mainly contribute by following a healthy lifestyle, which is the first step in treatment.
* Ideally, this should start with an adolescent girl.
* We recommend a diet rich in protein and low in fat and sugar. It is also very important to have a regular exercise schedule.
* Cut out junk food and daily exercise may help. Even if you lose 5% of your weight, it is very helpful in restoring menstruation and helping ovulation.
However, not all women are overweight. Some are called thin PCO. They need more medical help to correct hormonal disorders. The second step to management for women who need to give birth and are struggling with it is fertility drugs. Simple tablets help to grow follicles and correct ovulation, and 60% of women without other infertility problems get pregnant easily. However, these tablets should be given under medical guidance and ultrasonography should be done to see if they work.
Some women do not respond to pills and may need safe hormone injections as long as they are given at the lowest dose under medical supervision Laparoscopy to fix the problem for women who do not respond to pills or injections Inspection may be required.This procedure should be done by an expert to maximize the benefits
PCOS is usually corrected with age. As women grow older, they may lose eggs and PCOS intensity may decrease. However, many years of PCOS need to be treated. Women need at least 6-7 menstruations a year. Prolonged menstruation can affect uterine health, and prolonged menstruation is a precursor to endometrial cancer. Even if a woman does not want to become pregnant, it is important to see a doctor and regulate her menstruation. Women with PCOS are more likely to have a thyroid hormone disorder called hypothyroidism. It is important to screen the same and fix this with a simple medicine. Women with persistent PCO and an unhealthy lifestyle are more likely to develop diabetes as they grow older. This is due to persistent insulin resistance that is characteristic of polycystic ovary syndrome. A healthy lifestyle can greatly help keep this illness away.
The author is NOVAIVF Fertility Clinical Director and Consultant Reproductive Medicine in Mumbai.
(Disclaimer: The above views are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of DNA)
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