The best time to fight menopausal weight gain is menopause
If you are a woman in your 40s or 50s, you probably don’t need a pile of scientific evidence to be confident that the struggle is real when it comes to weight gain in middle age. But new research suggests that it doesn’t have to be an unavoidable part of aging.
A study published in the journal on February 28, 2022 menopauseSuggests that the best way to avoid menopausal weight gain may be to change exercise and caloric intake years before the transition occurs.
Ideally, women will change their health behavior before menopause
“Our key findings highlight some existing evidence that the peri-menopausal period is an important time to initiate lifestyle changes. [that have] It has the potential to dramatically improve postmenopausal health and quality of life. ” Abbey Smith-Dr. RyanAssociate Professor of Exercise Physiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and co-author of the study.
It is fairly common knowledge that women acquire fat mass, especially abdominal fat, with age, but this is a gold standard for understanding changes in fat mass, muscle mass, and the interaction of changes in bone mass. This is the first study using a model. Smith-Dr. Ryan says.
When estrogen goes down, fat creeps up
When a woman reaches menopause (defined as having no menstruation for 12 consecutive months), estrogen levels can plummet and cause menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disorders, and sexual dysfunction. .. North American Menopause Association (NAMS)..
Related: Menopause and Menopause: What’s the Difference?
Middle-aged hormonal shift causes changes in body composition
Menopause also results in a significant reduction in the number of calories a woman needs to maintain weight, an increase in fat mass, and a change in the way body fat is distributed. Journal of Mid-Life Health.. Several studies have also shown that menopause can further reduce lean body mass as well as bone mass.
This change does not happen suddenly when a woman no longer has menstruation. The ovaries gradually begin to reduce estrogen throughout the menopause. This may last four to eight years before menopause, he says. Stephanie Forbion, MDPhysician at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and NAMS Medical Director (she was not involved in the study).
Researchers examine body composition and metabolism in three stages of middle age
To assess body composition, fat distribution, and metabolism at rest and during exercise, researchers recruited 72 women aged 35-60 years. 24 was premenopausal, 24 was perimenopausal, and 24 was postmenopausal.
Women were considered premenopausal if they still had regular menstruation, and premenopausal if they were 38 years of age or older and had no menstruation. Irregular menstrual cycle (For example, changes in frequency or duration or flow), and postmenopausal if the menstrual period is not 12 consecutive months.
Each group included the same number of women with a healthy weight measured by a body mass index (BMI) of 18.5 to 24.9 and women of overweight or obesity (BMI of 25 to 39.9). Participants were 61% white, 18% black, 14% Hispanic, 5% Asian, and 1% mixed race.
Data on women were collected in three areas.
- Body composition It was evaluated by the Gold Standard, which uses multiple tools to ensure accuracy.
- Calories burned Metabolic measurements were made to estimate the number of calories burned by a woman at rest and during exercise of varying intensity.
- Lifestyle and medical history Each participant completed a survey to provide information on their exercise habits, food consumption, and gynecological medical history.
Body fat percentage begins to change early before menopause
Researchers found that premenopausal women had significantly lower body fat percentages compared to premenopausal women, with the largest change in overall fat percentage between the premenopausal and perimenopausal time frames. I found that it happened. According to the author, this suggests that the transition during menopause stimulates changes that solidify after menopause.
Menopause is when a woman begins to lose metabolic flexibility
Researchers also found that when women reached the peri-menopausal period, they began to lose metabolic flexibility and continued to worsen in postmenopausal women. Metabolic flexibility is the ability of the body to use any fuel available and convert it into energy.
Specifically, compared to premenopausal young women, women were unable to use fat as fuel. This can affect both fat mass and exercise performance, as well as subsequent fatigue.
There is a window of opportunity ahead of the increase in menopause
The authors conclude that perimenopausal may be the best window for lifestyle intervention, as this group experienced maximum changes in fat, lean body mass loss, and a transition to central obesity. I did.
The results suggest that there are differences in exercise-related metabolism depending on the menopausal state, he says. Samar R. El Khoudary, PhD, MPHHe was an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pennsylvania, and did not participate in the study.
“The findings are consistent with longitudinal study data showing that the peri-menopausal period is an important window for changes in body composition compared to postmenopausal women,” said Dr. El Khoudary.
“These changes in metabolism and fat distribution can also contribute to the increased cardiovascular risk associated with menopause, so it’s important to pay attention,” says Dr. Forbion.
Menopause, leading up to menopause is an important time to prioritize health
“Even before the onset of peri-menopausal symptoms such as cycle length irregularities, we need to engage with all women before they begin to experience these harmful changes such as weight gain.” Forbion says.
Still, menopause is a challenging time to prioritize personal health.
These findings emphasize that menopausal women need to prioritize their health and well-being, says Smith-Ryan. “This is the point of life that ignores itself because many women are busy in their careers and take care of everyone else, including parenting. [Neglect] It can have a longer-term negative impact on health than is seen in men, “she says. Besides, Middle-aged women are particularly vulnerable to depressionAccording to research.
If you reduce calories and move more, you can avoid middle-aged weight gain.
“In the classic scenario, a woman came to us during this period and said,” I haven’t changed anything. I’m eating and exercising as usual, but I’m gaining weight. And the response is,’That’s right! If you don’t change anything during this time, you’ll gain weight, “says Faubion.
During the menopause, there are inevitable changes in body composition. The process of aging cannot be stopped, says Faubion.
Related: 12 Ways to Hit Menopausal Abdominal Fat
Eat less, exercise more, and increase strength training
“But you can avoid weight gain of 30 pounds with menopause. One way to do that is to increase exercise,” says Faubion. She says this should include not only aerobic exercise, but also strength training to help fight the normal muscle loss that begins around the age of fifty.
“But exercise alone can’t do that. Women will have to do it. Reduce calorie intake To avoid gaining weight, long before the menopause, “she says.
How much the metabolic rate drops varies, says Faubion. “That’s because metabolic rates aren’t standard across women. Each woman needs to work hard to understand what she needs to do to avoid gaining weight, but calorie intake. I know we need to reduce the amount. “
Workaround: No time machine, but it’s okay
If you’re already past the perimenopausal period, make sure these findings don’t contract you, says Faubion. One of the key messages here is that it’s never too late to change your diet and exercise habits to improve your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic illness. “
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