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The number of COVID-19 cases in Michigan is still declining, but the slope is flattening. Monday, March 14th, data

The number of COVID-19 cases in Michigan is still declining, but the slope is flattening. Monday, March 14th, data


The decline in COVID-19 cases in Michigan continues, but the downward trend is less dramatic.

Michigan has reported 1,365 new confirmed coronavirus cases associated with the Michigan Disease Surveillance System since the last update on Friday, March 7.

Michigan also reported 24 confirmed deaths, but the state’s Department of Health and Human Services did not review important records. This happens on Wednesdays and Fridays and is usually added to the total.

Currently, there are an average of 704 new reported cases and 44 deaths over a 7-day period. This is an average of 7 days on March 7, down from 801 and 45 deaths per day.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 32,443 deaths and 2,067,277 cases have been confirmed in Michigan. In addition, there were 306,059 possible cases and 2,767 possible deaths, and a physician and / or antigen test determined COVID-19, but a confirmatory PCR test to detect the presence of the virus was performed. I didn’t get it.

Below is a graph showing the 7-day average of new cases reported per day across the pandemic. (Can’t you see the chart? click here.. )


No new cases have been reported in 15 counties since Friday. They are Alpena, Baraga, Cass, Sheboygan, Claire, Crawford, Dickinson, Gogebic, Lake, McKinack, Missaukee, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Presque Isle and Roscommon.

The top 10 counties with the highest number of new cases per 100,000 in the last three days are Keweenaw (49), Iron (34), Otsego (32), Gratiot (31), Antrim (30), Eaton (25), This is Oscoda. (24), Mason (21), Arenac (20), Chippewa (19), Wayne (19)

Without adjusting the population, these 10 counties reported the newest cases since Friday: Wayne (340), Auckland (161), McCorm (128), Kent (74), Washtenaw (69), Kalamazoo. (41), Ingham (37), Genesee (37), Ottawa (32), and Eaton (27).

Both lists include Wayne and Eaton counties.

The arrows on the map below show whether there are fewer cases per capita this week than new cases by county last week.

You can see the underlying data by hovering over the county. (Hint: Drag the map with the cursor to see the entire Upper Peninsula.)

Can’t you see the map? click here..

The graph below shows new cases over the last 30 days based on the onset of symptoms. It reflects the latest data available. Recent figures are incomplete in this graph, as it can take up to a week or more for people to get sick and see coronavirus test results.

You can recall charts in any county and hover your cursor over the bar to see the date and number of cases.

Can’t see the chart? click here..


As of Monday, state-wide hospitals were treating 699 adults and 30 pediatric patients with confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19. This includes 63 ventilators and 140 adults in the intensive care unit.

A week ago, there were 841 adults and 34 pediatric patients, of whom 182 were in the intensive care unit and 92 were on ventilator.

On January 10, the worst Omicron surge had about 5,000 patients in the state, of which about 860 were in the intensive care unit and about 540 were on ventilator.

Dead (number)

Below is a graph that tracks the 7-day average of COVID-19 deaths per day reported during the pandemic process in the states. (These are based on the reported date, not necessarily the date of death.)

The number of deaths in recent months has been more volatile than other indicators and has not surged to record levels such as cases, hospitalizations, and percentages of positive tests.

Can’t see the chart below? click here..


On average over the last 7 days, 3.4% of Michigan tests were SARS-CoV-2 positive. This is a bit down from 4.0% on March 7th.

Of the approximately 14,000 tests on Sunday, March 13, approximately 3.9% were positive.

Can’t see the chart? click here..

The interactive map below shows the average 7-day test rate for each county. You can see the underlying data by hovering over the county.

Most states are now pale pink. That is, an average of 3-6% of tests were positive in the last 7 days. Luce County on the Upper Peninsula remains outliers. There, on average, about 28% of the 23 tests were positive in the week recorded in the past. Equal temperament in all surrounding counties is much lower.

In Charlevoix and Keweenaw counties, from March 7th to 13th, none of the total 186 tests were positive.

Can’t you see the map? click here..

COVID-19 vaccination

State data, updated on Friday, show that 65.6% of eligible residents received at least one COVID-19 vaccination. Last week’s percentage was 65.4%.

Approximately 54.3% of fully vaccinated people have been vaccinated twice with the mRNA vaccine or once with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, a booster recommended for all adults and older children. Have received. This is an increase from about 53.7% last week.

People between the ages of 65 and 74 have the highest immunization rates. About 89.6% receive at least one dose. Children aged 5 to 11 years who are only eligible for vaccination after November are the least vaccinated, with 27.6% being at least partially vaccinated.

Below is a graph showing vaccination rates by county for people over the age of five. (Can’t you see the chart? click here.. )

For more information on state-wide data, please visit: MLive Coronavirus Data Page..

To find a test site near you State online test search Send an email to [email protected]Or call 888-535-6136 between 8am and 5pm on weekdays.

Do you have a coronavirus related question that you would like to answer?Submit to [email protected]..

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