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Coffee benefits your mind and may help you live longer

Coffee benefits your mind and may help you live longer


According to the report, drinking a few cups of coffee daily reduces the risk of developing heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmia problems, or premature death for any reason by 10% to 15%. Three research outlines It was released on Thursday.

“Some people are worried that drinking coffee may cause or worsen certain heart problems because it can speed up your heart rate. From here, to stop drinking coffee. General medical advice may be available, “said Dr. Peter M. Kistler, lead author of the study. In the statement. Kistler is Head of Clinical Electrophysiology Research at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute and Head of Electrophysiology at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

Kistler, a leading arrhythmia professor at the University of Melbourne, said: And Monash University.

In all studies, Kistler and other researchers used data from UK Biobank. This data tracks the health of more than 500,000 people in at least 10 years. When joining the registry, participants reported that coffee consumption fell from a maximum of 1 to 6 or more cups per day. The author of the current study wanted to investigate the relationship between drinking coffee and the heart rhythm problem (arrhythmia). Cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, heart failure and stroke; total and heart-related deaths in people with and without heart disease.

Drinking coffee and heart health

The first study focused on more than 382,500 adults aged 57 years on average who did not suffer from heart disease. Researchers found that participants who drank a few cups of coffee daily had the lowest risk of developing heart problems, which the study focused on later. People who drank about a cup of coffee a day had the lowest risk of death from stroke or cardiovascular disease.

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Another study looked at the relationship between different types of coffee, including ground coffee with caffeine, instant coffee with caffeine, and decaffeinated coffee, with the same health outcomes. It wasn’t specified whether the decaffeinated coffee was ground or instant, Kistler said in an email. “It may have been recognized that cheaper’instant’coffee is less beneficial than’ground’coffee, which can be considered’pure’, but in our study it wasn’t. “I did,” he added.

Drinking 1-5 cups of ground or instant coffee daily was associated with a reduced risk of arrhythmia, heart disease or disorder, or stroke. Drinking a few cups of coffee daily reduces your risk of premature death or death from heart disease.

Participants analyzed in the third study were already suffering from arrhythmias or certain cardiovascular diseases. For people with cardiovascular disease, it was not found that coffee intake levels were associated with the development of arrhythmias. Of adults with arrhythmias, coffee intake (especially one cup a day) was associated with a lower risk of premature death.

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“Clinicians are generally concerned that people with known cardiovascular disease or arrhythmias will continue to drink coffee, which can lead to dangerous heart rhythms, so be careful and drink completely. I often advise you to stop, “says Kistler. In the statement. “But our research shows that regular coffee consumption is safe and may be part of a healthy diet for people with heart disease.”

However, Dr. David Kao said in an email, “I don’t think the summary has enough information to support that claim.” Kao is not involved in the research and is an associate professor in the Department of Cardiology, Bioinformatics, and Personalized Medicine at the University of Colorado at Anschutz.

“It’s very important to understand what was adjusted in the analysis,” said Kao, who is also the medical director of the Colorado Personal Medical Center. “It’s age that’s obvious. If young people at low risk of CVD (cardiovascular disease) drink the most coffee, the obvious benefits of coffee may reflect the effects of age. The authors say what they are. I don’t say if I adjusted it, so be careful. ”

The news release However, the analysis said researchers control exercise, alcohol, smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure. These factors can affect heart health and longevity. However, the author was unable to control dietary factors.
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“The problem is that the design of such a study is always vulnerable to what we call … selection bias-people who end up drinking five cups of coffee a day, people who drink. “A person who drinks one cup a day, or decaffeinated,” said Dr. Lee Schwam, Vice President of Digital Patient Experience and Virtual Care, General Brigam of Boston. Some sensitive people experience adverse effects after drinking coffee, while others fall asleep immediately after taking espresso before bedtime.

The analysis says, “Moderate coffee consumption does not increase the risk of heart disease and provides further evidence that if you have heart disease, even if it is an abnormal heart rhythm, you do not need to stop it.” Kao said.

This study will be presented at the 71st Annual Science Session of the American College of Cardiology, which will be held April 2-3.

What Heart Disease Patients Should Know

This study does not establish a causal relationship between coffee drinking and health. However, “there are a variety of mechanisms by which coffee can reduce mortality and have these positive effects on cardiovascular disease,” Kistler said in a news release.

According to Kao, it’s not clear whether caffeine is responsible for the health benefits of coffee. “Coffee has many biologically active compounds that can play a particular role,” he said.

These compounds may help reduce inflammation, suppress intestinal fat absorption, block receptors involved in arrhythmias, and reduce oxidative stress, Kistler said. Oxidative stress An imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules from environmental sources such as cigarette smoke and pesticides that can harm cells in the body.

If you’re wondering if you can drink coffee depending on your current or future risk of heart disease, talk to your doctor, said Schwam, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School.

“People should not interpret this as a support for extending their lifespan by drinking coffee,” he added. “The most important thing to extend the lifespan and quality of life of these patients is to have a really thoughtful plan with your doctor about physical activity, cholesterol, blood pressure, medications to control blood sugar, not smoking, etc. It is to stand.). ”




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