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World Health Day 2022: Foods and Ingredients to Add to Diet for Uterine Health | Health

World Health Day 2022: Foods and Ingredients to Add to Diet for Uterine Health | Health
World Health Day 2022: Foods and Ingredients to Add to Diet for Uterine Health | Health


The uterus is an important organ of the female reproductive system and plays a vital role not only in raising the fetus but also in the general health of the female body.Studies show that the uterus also affects human cognition, and so does the uterus. health This is a major concern for many women, as problems such as uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, and excessive bleeding can cause hormonal imbalances and infertility.

The key to a healthy uterus has a lot to do with your diet, and that’s exactly what we discuss the night before in this article. World health day 2022. World Health Day, celebrated annually to draw attention to specific health topics of interest to people around the world, will be marked on April 7, the anniversary of the establishment of the World Health Organization in 1948. ..

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Imbue Natural Chief Scientist Dr Aasin Maurya gave insight into what Ayurveda is trying to say about maintaining a healthy uterus. “Keeping uterine tissue healthy is an adjunct to healthy phytonutrients, plant-based sterols, flavonoids, antioxidants, and antioxidants to relieve damaged uterine function damage or cellular stress. It remains a continuous process that functions as. “

He listed several ingredients known for their nutritional and therapeutic effects on the uterus. These include:

1. Ashoka- It keeps the uterus healthy, regulates menstruation, and soothes the ovaries and endometrium.

2. Toys- It has anti-inflammatory properties and enhances fertility.

3. Shatavari- It reduces fatigue and supports healthy menopause.

4. Guduchi- It enhances immunity and vitality and supports longevity.

5. Spari- It is known to reduce inflammation and pain.

6. Nagke Shar- It is known to reduce excessive blood loss.

7Skumaram Kashayam- Reduces menstrual discomfort.

8. Dash Mall- Shows antipyretic effect

9. PradarantakLauh- Known for the management of white and inflammatory secretions.

Dr Prateek Makwana, consultant embryologist and director of Vasundhara IVF Ltd, explains how the ingredients of processed foods affect us because what we consume every day has a direct impact on our uterine health. Enlightened about. He says: “The important secret to incorporating is to always check the content and ingredient list of the product when you buy something. Read the label! What you have in your body, and You need to know how much you are putting in. There is no food that offers all the benefits immediately. It’s a long game, play it right, your womb and your body thank you!”

According to him, some important ingredients that should be incorporated into the diet are:

1. Probiotics: Yogurt, kombucha, kefir, homemade buttermilk, pickles. Avoid sugary foods and don’t forget to read the label before buying.

3. High fiber diet: Lentils, bean sprouts, broccoli, pears, apples, quinoa. Fiber is really important and is very easy to incorporate into your diet. Your body needs protein for almost everything, and most people, whether they believe it or not, don’t consume the amount of protein they need in a day, that you start eating enough of it. please confirm.

Dr. Aditi Tandon of MS Obstetrics and Gynecology has reiterated the importance of food and provided more nutrients than can be incorporated into the diet. She advised you to include the following foods in your diet:

1. Nuts and seeds Rich in healthy fats like omega 3, DHA + EPA, like almonds, cashews, walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds, and provides a lot of fiber. It is known to help prevent uterine cancer and reduce the likelihood of uterine fibroids. You should consume whole grains on a regular basis. Leafy vegetables rich in folic acid help prepare your body for pregnancy.

2. Eat citrus fruits and berries Rich in Vitamin C, it boosts immunity and helps prevent infections.Vitamin D also plays an important role in cancer prevention

3. Fish Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, it also helps reduce prostaglandins and reduce menstrual cramps.

Accepting dietary changes is the key to maintaining a healthy uterus. Listen to your body and make healthy changes.




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