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World Health Day 2022: Ayurvedic Tips for Adults with Diabetes and Heart Disease | Health

World Health Day 2022: Ayurvedic Tips for Adults with Diabetes and Heart Disease | Health
World Health Day 2022: Ayurvedic Tips for Adults with Diabetes and Heart Disease | Health


World health day Marked worldwide on April 7, the anniversary of the establishment of the World Health Organization in 1948, it has received particular attention. health Topics that people around the world are interested in. It is a blessing to rethink a world where clean air, water and food are available to everyone, the economy focuses on health and well-being, cities are livable and people can manage their own health and the health of the planet. It has been.

According to one study, people with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop heart-related problems because hyperglycemia can damage the blood vessels and nerves that control the heart. For a country like India, this is a factor to watch out for for two main reasons. The first is that the majority of diabetics in the country are unaware of it (undiagnosed diabetes), and the second is that India has the largest working population currently being dealt with. Serious stress and environmental changes are both major causes of heart disease and diabetes.

Ayurveda and expert Dr. Anand Dwivedi of the Capiva Academy in Ayurveda said: Numerous studies have been conducted by the Ministry of Ayurveda to find out how Ayurveda can help prevent diabetes and thus cardiovascular disease. “

Ayurveda promises to treat and prevent illness while maintaining a balance between mind, body and spirit, with an emphasis on diet, herbal remedies, exercise, meditation, breathing and physiotherapy for health. We aim to maintain wellness. Popular in the Indian subcontinent with its historic roots, Ayurveda has five elements throughout the universe: vayu (air), jala (water), aakash (space or ether), and prithvi (earth). Teja (Tuesday).

Ayurveda, an ancient medicine with a history of 5,000 years, is believed to focus on a healthy and quality of life lifestyle, from the beginning “Ahara” (diet) and “Anna” (food). ) Has been particularly emphasized. To bring personal well-being. It is a well-known fact that nutritious, high-quality foods nourish the mind, soul and body.

Dr. Anand Dwivedi listed some of the best Ayurvedic practices to help adults with diabetes.

1. Adopt healthy eating and lifestyle options- Your food (Ahara) and lifestyle (Bihara) habits have a direct impact on your physical health. Therefore, it is important to get into the habit of keeping you healthy. Eating more fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains while reducing processed foods can help reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent it from getting worse. Lifestyle (Vihara) changes, such as following an active routine, maintaining an optimal and healthy weight, not consuming alcohol, and quitting smoking, can greatly help in the fight against heart disease.

2. Yoga- Being physically active makes your body more sensitive to insulin, a hormone that allows cells in your body to use your blood sugar as energy, helping you manage your diabetes. Physical activity also helps control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Therefore, to prevent and manage heart disease (Hridroga), try to do at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week, such as active walking and yoga. Yoga has a variety of asanas such as Suriana Masker and Pranayama that help keep your blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate low.

3. Stress management- Stress is becoming a major cause of heart disease. Today, people are constantly exposed to high stressors at work and at home, so keeping stress levels low is essential. According to Ayurveda, meditation helps manage and reduce stress. Casting and breathing exercises can also help lower blood pressure and lower your heart rate.

4. Ayurvedic Supplements- Ayurveda has a wealth of supplements to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease.For example, Ayurveda recommends traditional combinations Carrera, Amla, Jamun When Guduchi.. These supplements help regulate carbohydrate metabolism, which helps control blood sugar levels. Be sure to take these supplements after consulting an Ayurvedic doctor for ideal results. You can also choose from a variety of therapies that Ayurveda must offer, such as Saman therapy for the management of CVD and Rasayana therapy for the prevention.

He also recommends these practices for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. Rely on them on this World Health Day for a healthy heart and a better lifestyle.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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