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Midday Vishal Singh about the fear of the surviving COVID and the brave doctor he witnessed directly


Like most journalists, the noon reporter Vishal Singh was also in the field, picking up the COVID-19 pandemic since March. Like other journalists, Singh went around covering this unprecedented crisis and took every precaution when he met people. He tested himself as advised in mid-April and early-May and the results were negative. However, in the third week of May, Shin had a fever, his health deteriorated and he was on the other side as a COVID-19 patient struggling for his life.

Every moment of my 14-day stay at King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEM) was horrifying, as people were succumbing to COVID-19 and laying in the ward who saw their bodies wrapped in plastic. It is He was hospitalized on May 23, and was discharged on June 5 after being negative. Here is Shin’s account:

During the first few days of hospitalization, I saw patients screaming for attention and dying in a bed nearby. I only saw such a scene in the movie. I started to panic. However, by covering the pandemics of the past few months, I understand that in order to win this battle, one must stay away from the negative thoughts. “

I met a doctor who advised me to fight, a doctor who saw medical staff working around the clock to save the patient, and a patient waving to maintain my spirit. He died

I have more than thanks to all doctors and health workers, and as they sacrifice everything for this city and its people, call on the government to take better care of them. I will.

My trial started in the third week of May. I got a little anxious and became hot, so I returned from fieldwork. The next morning my doctor advised me to take some medicine and concluded that it was a regular flu. I left the clinic without the furthest thought that it might be COVID-19. However, I was completely exhausted in the evening. The doctor told me to do some blood tests. If your dengue and malaria tests were negative, your doctor told you to take a COVID-19 test. My health began to deteriorate and I was out of breath. On May 23, a civil servant saw my blood report and advised me to give oxygen as the levels went down. On May 23rd, my friend and brother rushed to the hospital.

“Crashed on the floor”
When I arrived at KEM Hospital near my residence in Lower Parrel, there were more than 20 patients in the victim ward. Many of them were out of breath and some complained of pain. It strained me and the lack of oxygen made me dizzy. I hit the floor. After more than an hour and a half of paperwork, I managed to get a bed in the victim ward.

I became skeptical because I reported my malpractice at a public hospital. But despite all my efforts, I was unable to get a bed at a private hospital. I was admitted to the COVID-19 ward and put in oxygen.

The doctor discovered pneumonia, but thankfully my fever disappeared. I was worried about my family. I live in a co-family of 10 including my aged parents, a 6 month old son and a 6 year old daughter.

My family did not tell me that my brother was positive on the test, they were all moved to the quarantine ward and our apartment was sealed.

Ward confusion
I was admitted to the 21st ward and had one doctor and two nurses with 45 beds 24 hours a day. People were screaming from every corner of the ward. The doctor and nurse were at the PPE.

The next half I was almost unconscious. Medical staff was exhausted and took some time to respond to emergencies.

Shift to ICU
After 24 hours or more, he became sick and was transferred to the ICU No. 4 ward with 34 beds. The only question in my head was whether I would recover. Within three to four days after I started feeling better, I saw the patient wrapped in plastic every day in the ward. My hope of getting better has diminished.

Dr. Santosh Salagare, who is in charge of the COVID-19 ward, came to see me. The doctor noticed that I was nervous. He said to me, “The patient in bed in front of you is 75 years old and he is recovering. You are recovering soon.

His kind words gave me a reason to be positive.

Eight days after treatment, my breathing improved and my lung infection cleared.

I converted from ICU to a general ward, but there were serious incidents around me. The man drinking oxygen in the next bed shook my hand. He asked me about my health and told me he was well recovered.

The night in this ward was a nightmare. There were cockroaches and bed bugs in the bed. It had fans, but it was still hot. The toilet was unsanitary and the door was broken. There were 45 patients in this ward, with 3 nurses and 1 doctor attending the patient to the bathroom.

Mixed feelings
On June 5th, as a result of the negative test, they won the battle against COVID-19. I was discharged and decided to isolate myself at home.

When signed
The discharge report found that the man next to my bed was dead. The one who waved me and confirmed that I was fine was losing the fight.

“Doctors and nurses work day and night”

According to Dr. Hemant Deshmukh, Dean of KEM Hospital, they have a total of 14 wards for COVID-19 patients. “There are seven ICU wards and the other seven are general wards. Even in the general ward, we arrange for less serious patients to get oxygen in all beds. We are afraid to touch the patients, but our doctors and nurses wear PPE kits to move these patients and take them to the bathroom as needed.”

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