“Signs of Encouragement” in eastern Quebec as COVID-19 hospitalizations increase
Cases and hospitalizations for COVID-19 are increasing across Quebec, but there are some promising signs in the eastern part of the state, said Dr. Luc Boileau, Interim Public Health Director, Wednesday. ..
Part of eastern Quebec, such as the GaspĂ© Peninsula and Les Iles de la Madeleine, COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Compared to the state’s big cities. And, at least in these more rural areas, transmission rates are declining, Boirot told reporters in Quebec City.
“We are still in the pandemic growth stage,” Boileau said of the current wave. “But there are some encouraging signs, especially in the east.”
In late March, the Iles-de-la-Madeleine area COVID-19 infection More than 1,300 cases per 100,000 people. On Wednesday, officials said the rate was about 880 per 100,000 people. “It’s still increasing, but it’s slowing down,” Boileau said.
“These signs suggest that we can reach the point that pushes us to the other side of the curve,” he added.
“We really want it to be true and the same in other regions such as the state capital and Greater Montreal … we will see.”
But Boileau said the situation was still vulnerable. Officials on Wednesday reported more than 2,000 people hospitalized with COVID-19 for the first time since February 14. They reported an increase in 122 patients with COVID-19. Hospitalization and 13 more deaths Due to illness. Eighty-three patients were in the intensive care unit. There are 16 more people compared to Tuesday.
Less than half of the patients are hospitalized for COVID-19 infection, Boileau said. “About 55 percent of hospitalizations are people there for other reasons, but the test is positive,” he said. Nonetheless, he explained that patients with COVID-19 who are hospitalized for other reasons have to remain isolated, putting additional strain on the medical system.
However, despite increased incidents and hospitalizations, Boileau refused to advise the government to impose rally restrictions before this weekend’s Easter holiday.
“The idea is to manage your own risk,” he said. “I don’t want to tell people not to meet each other on Easter. It’s an important holiday and an opportunity to get together, but be careful.
“People can choose for themselves.”
Bowaro held a press conference on Wednesday with Daniel Palais, head of the Quebec vaccination campaign, and Dr. Jean Rontin, a microbiologist at the Department of Health.
Meanwhile, Quebec has entered the second half of the flu season, officials said. People with flu symptoms that resemble those of COVID-19 need to be quarantined, Longtin said.
“It’s very rare for the flu season to come in April, but this is what we’re facing right now, and this is somehow because removing public health measures will result in other viruses. It’s expected, “Longtin said.
State another report 3,515 COVID-19 cases Confirmed by 1,164 new positive results from a PCR test limited to high-risk groups and a quick takeaway test published on the online portal.
Health officials said an additional 38,839 COVID-19 vaccines were given on Tuesday.
This story was funded by Meta and Canadian PressNews Fellowship.
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