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US aircraft carrier outbreak survey may include clues about Covid-19 among young and healthy people


A survey of major coronavirus outbreaks in the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier may reveal clues as to how Covid-19 affects young adults.

“This is the first major view of Covid-19 infection in healthy young adults released by the CDC,” said Daniel Payne, an epidemiologist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who worked with the US Navy to investigate. It was

After the outbreak, more than 1,000 of the crew of approximately 4,900 members of the ship tested positive for Covid-19. After spending a few weeks at the port of Guam, the ship returned to the sea last month.

The majority of seafarers who participated in the study and had antibodies (nearly 60%) had neutralizing antibodies, which was “a promising indicator of at least short-term immunity”. I have written..

Most symptoms were mild or absent. Also, people who took precautions such as face masks and social distances were less likely to get infected.

“What we saw was that in addition to subclinical infections, most infections were actually mild,” Payne told reporters on Tuesday.

“And this is probably unlike the study of older Americans, or perhaps even those who were already hospitalized, and clearly different from those with underlying illness.”

“Symptom-based surveillance may not detect all infections,” as many young people have mild, atypical, or no viral symptoms, the investigators said.

Most tested antibody positive

The report published Tuesday included a sample of 382 service members with an average age of 30. According to reports, three quarters were men.

Nearly 60% of them were positive for antibodies, 59% of which developed neutralizing antibodies by the time blood samples were taken.

Neutralizing antibodies bind the virus and potentially disable it from attacking human cells. In a small number of participants, these antibodies were detected more than 40 days after the onset of symptoms.

However, since the data is taken from a single time point, he noted that longer studies would be needed to clarify whether and how long these antibodies were protected from the virus.

Low infection rate for people who have taken protective measures

Those who took precautions were also less likely to get infected.

Seafarers covering the face were less likely to be infected (55.8% vs 80.8%), avoided common areas (53.8% vs 67.5%), and practiced physical distance (54.7% vs 70.0%).

Symptoms more closely associated with Covid-19 in this sample were loss of taste and smell, myalgia, fever, and chills.

Two of the 238 studies confirmed to be infected with the virus were hospitalized.

“We are adjusting our public health practices to the unique characteristics of this enemy, whose secret weapon is, as you know, the ability to infect individuals before they become infected,” he said. .. The US Navy surgeon told reporters on Tuesday.

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