Exercise symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, relief of depression by boxing
A three-month community-based boxing program significantly alleviated early adult motor and non-motor symptoms, as well as depression. Parkinson’s diseasePilot study showed.
These preliminary findings support larger and longer studies on the benefits of such programs. This may include people with more advanced illnesses.
The results were announced in a poster.Pilot study on the effects of community-based boxing programs on Parkinson’s diseaseWas effectively held April 24-26 at the 2022 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting (AAN) in Seattle, April 2-7.
People with Parkinson’s disease can experience as well as features Motor problemNot just such Non-motor symptoms Cognitive impairment, depression, indifference (lack of motivation and general indifference), sleep disorders, gastrointestinal, urine, sexual difficulties, etc.
These exercise and non-exercise problems can contribute to serious disorders that affect a patient’s quality of life.
“Especially indifference can be difficult to treat with medication,” the researchers write.
Increased evidence Supporting the benefits of regular exercise in Parkinson’s disease, most studies focus on motor symptoms, but some Performance Possibility to deal with non-motor symptoms.
Exercise Guidelines for Parkinson’s Disease Patients Recommended Medium to intense exercise for 150 minutes (2.5 hours) weekly across 4 domains. aerobic exercise. Strength training; balance, agility, and multitasking. And stretch.
Boxing “incorporates high intensity exercise, flexibility, stretching, strength training, balance and footwork, and endurance,” the researchers write. However, the potential for alleviating non-exercise symptoms remains largely unstudied.
A team of researchers at Rush University Medical Center and Jesse Brown Veterans Medical Center in Chicago evaluated the effectiveness of a three-month community-based boxing program on motor and non-motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
This program was designed and implemented in collaboration with a local boxing gym.
Of the 24 adult patients enrolled, 14 (8 males and 6 females) agreed to participate in the study and completed the assessment before and after the boxing program. These included measurements of motor function, non-motor symptoms, depression, apathy, ability to perform activities of daily living, and health-related quality of life.
All suffered from early Parkinson’s disease (Stage 2 of Horn and Jar) and were able to walk and function independently. Their average age was 62.2 years and they lived with the disease for an average of 7.9 years. Most (85%) were taking standard Parkinson’s medications.
The results showed that the boxing program significantly reduced motor symptoms as assessed by the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Part III and non-motor symptoms as measured by the Non-motor Rating Scale (NMRS).
Favorable changes in some NMRS subdomains were observed after the program, but these reached statistical significance only for depression and pain, approaching the significance of sleep and wake subdomains.
This was consistent with the significant reduction observed on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, which measures the frequency and intensity of depressive symptoms.
As assessed by the Lilli Apathy Rating Scale, no significant difference in indifference between pre-program and post-program scores was apparent, but participants reported feeling more motivated.
There were no major changes in the patient’s ability to perform activities of daily living and health-related quality of life.
These findings highlight that the three-month community-based boxing program led to “improvements in exercise testing, non-motor symptoms, and depression” in early Parkinson’s patients.
The team reviews these findings, assesses whether the program reduces indifference, leads to sustained improvement, and may benefit people with more advanced illnesses. Therefore, future studies are needed to follow more patients for a long period of time.
Note: The Parkinson’s Disease News Today team provides coverage of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 2022 Annual Meeting.go Here To see the latest stories from the meeting.
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