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Cases of Mystery Hepatitis in Children Currently in the United States

Cases of Mystery Hepatitis in Children Currently in the United States


Huntington, West Virginia (WSAZ)-New illnesses for children are beginning to spread around the world.

It is a type of hepatitis that affects children from the first month of life to the age of 16, and has been warned by health authorities.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issues health recommendations to healthcare providers for populations of children infected with hepatitis and adenovirus.

Currently, there are 169 mysterious hepatitis cases worldwide, one child has died, and 17 have needed a liver transplant.

Authorities say this case is rare because the virus that normally causes hepatitis is excluded.

However, in 40% of cases worldwide, we have identified historically non-hazardous adenoviruses.

“Because of that fact, it’s a pretty serious business,” said Dr. Margaret Ng Cardaon. “Most of the usual hepatitis [cases] Children get sick, but they don’t fall into serious, life-threatening situations. “

There are currently 14 cases of this unknown hepatitis in the United States.

Dr. Ng, a pediatrician at Coal Grove Pediatrics, Ohio, states that hepatitis itself is an inflammation of the liver.

“The job of the liver is to detoxify, which wipes out all the poisons in the body,” Dr. Ng said. “When the liver swells, it becomes poisonous because it cannot detoxify the body’s poison, so it creates seriousness.”

A mysterious strain of hepatitis was first discovered in the United States last November when five children went to the hospital with a serious liver injury.

Three of them had acute liver failure. All five were positive for adenovirus and negative for COVID, all previously very healthy.

The World Health Organization says the majority of affected children did not get the COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, they believe it has nothing to do with the side effects from the shot.

Dr. Ng thinks parents don’t have to worry too much, but she says it’s good to be educated.

“Do rigorous hand washing outside the house, outside the school, and at home,” Dr. Ng told WSAZ. “Let’s get back to basics, and we can prevent the spread of these food poisonings.”

WSAZ asked Dr. Ng. Symptoms that parents should look for.

“I have a fever, I can’t eat well, I don’t have energy, I vomit, and my skin turns yellow,” said Dr. Ng. “And your pee looks like Coca-Cola. Dark red or dark brown. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor right away. Don’t blow it off.

The CDC encourages clinicians to consider testing for adenovirus in children with hepatitis and asks them to report a suspected case of this unexplained hepatitis.

Adenovirus can spread through personal contact, which doctors say hand washing is important.

Copyright 2022WSAZ. all rights reserved.




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