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Do kids 5-11 years need COVID-19 booster shots?Experts discuss

Do kids 5-11 years need COVID-19 booster shots?Experts discuss


Pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced last week that it had requested the US Food and Drug Administration to approve the COVID-19 booster. Shots for kids 5-11 years old..

The company made a request after submitting data showing that low-dose booster shots are safe for children in that age group and may help protect children. Coronavirus variants.. Currently, boosters are only licensed for people over the age of 12.

in the meantime Pfizer data The third dose of the vaccine Boost antibody against Omicron By 36 times for children in this age group, not all public health authorities are convinced that younger children need another shot.

Related: Everything you need to know about getting a COVID-19 booster

Do you need a COVID-19 booster for your child?

Experts didn’t say they were worried about the safety of children’s boosters today, but there were some questions about the timing of boosters and whether they were needed as an emergency authorization tool at this stage of the pandemic. ..

Dr. Phil Krause, a former deputy director of the FDA’s Vaccine Research Review Bureau, claimed that “COVID vaccines are very safe,” and said today that he would recommend them. Booster for the elderly For those at high risk of severe COVID-19. However, he said, “I have questioned the need for booster immunization in otherwise healthy people (including children) who have been previously vaccinated and infected.”

Krause explains that the data available to support boosters in this age group can only measure elevated antibody levels and cannot weigh other immune responses that are important in predicting long-term protection in children. bottom.He said he needed to understand more How long booster protection actually lasts..

“We learned from adults that booster effects usually don’t last that long, but of course it can be different in children. There isn’t much reliable data yet to make these types of predictions.” He said. He added that he understands parents who choose to wait to see the long-term benefits of a boost. “No one wants to get a vaccine they don’t need.

Dr. John Moore, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Weil Cornell Medicine, shared a similar view. “The first two doses may already be sufficient to protect the child from severe hospital-grade infections or higher infections. The booster effect does not add much protection here. Maybe, “he said. (Moore said the exception is children with weakened immunity.)

Benefits of COVID-19 Booster for Kids

Other public health officials have stated that child boosters are important for a variety of reasons. “I continue to feel that I have to do everything I can to prevent my children’s illness, because some of my children have severe illnesses and long-term complications from COVID infections. Some people have the disease, and many others can spread the disease. Dr. Jesse Hackel, a pediatrician in Pomona, New York, and one of the branches of the American Pediatric Society in New York, , Says:

Hackel explained that some people seem to have a “false dichotomy” Oppose the COVID-19 vaccine Treat COVID-19 differently from other illnesses that are also small but pose a real risk to the child. “Vaccination of not everyone saves the lives of millions of children, but most children have mild other illnesses such as chickenpox, mumps, hemophilia, and even polio. If not, a small number of children can suffer catastrophic consequences and no child should suffer from preventable illness, “he said today.

Dr. Arnold Monto, a professor of epidemiology and global public health at the University of Michigan, explained that boosters also provide significant protection against COVID-19 variants. “It’s clear that studies in other age groups have produced very few antibodies against Omicron without boosters,” he said.

Dr. Scott Ratzan, a prominent lecturer at the CUNY School of Public Health and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, During the recent surge in Omicron, those who were boosted were ” Die at COVID-19 There is a one-seventh chance of being hospitalized compared to the unvaccinated one, “he said. “Booster shots are safe and effective.”

Dr. Erin Abner, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Kentucky’s School of Public Health, added that COVID-19 is still worried about children because there are still many things we do not understand. Long COVID.. “The long-term effects of COVID infection are unknown,” she said.

Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, an infectious disease researcher at Stanford University who advised the American Academy of Pediatrics and helped test Pfizer’s vaccine, praised what she saw about the effectiveness of booster immunity in this age group. .. “Current data show that boosters for children aged 5 to 11 years provide a strong increase in neutralizing antibodies against the original and (COVID-19) Omicron variants. , A marker that indicates protection against severe COVID-. 19 infections, “she said.

What the FDA should consider before granting booster approval for children ages 5-11

The third dose, however, must first be approved by the FDA before additional immunization in this age group is considered by parents, experts in the review process say it may take some time.

“The important question to answer here is whether this younger age group booster will reduce not only symptomatic infections, but also severe illnesses. That is ultimately the main reason we are vaccinated.” Said Dr. Linawen, an emergency doctor and public health professor at George Washington University. Wen also added that it is necessary to discuss whether children with recent Omicrons still need boosters, or “whether their recent infections are comparable to boosters.”

Moore said today that the FDA will “focus on both safety and efficacy factors” when making decisions. “In terms of efficacy, we expect advisors to consider whether additional short-term protection from mild infections is important enough to justify authorization,” he said.

“To understand the overall benefits, we need to review the data and presentations provided to the FDA. For example, how long do neutralizing antibodies last and what is the risk of breakthrough infection after a first-dose regimen? Is it? “Maldnad said, reflecting Klaus’s earlier remarks.

Another important issue to consider is timing. The vitality and transmission of future variants is unknown, some of which may require their own boosters. “There were some concerns about the frequency of boosters, but the more important issue is their timing. Boosters given in time for the first dose will be less effective,” Abner said.

First and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine are still a priority

Experts emphasized that boosters in this age group are an important point for many Americans. Some parents have not yet vaccinated this age group with the coronavirus. As of April 20Only 7.9 million US children aged 5-11 years have completed the double inoculation series. This represents only 28% of all children aged 5-11 years.

“The most important thing is to get all children vaccinated with the first and second doses before summer vacation and arguably by the time they return to school in the fall,” Ratzan said.





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