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Google's Nest Secure shuts down completely: If you're worried, there's a solution

Google's Nest Secure shuts down completely: If you're worried, there's a solution


In April 2024, the Nest Secure home security system will officially be retired. After more than a year of warnings, Google has officially ended support for Nest Secure and shifted its focus to other Nest devices.

If you use Nest devices at home, this news might make you nervous. Will I lose support for security technologies like Google Nest Doorbell, Nest Aware, and other Nest brands? Probably not, especially if you haven't received a warning from Google. However, those using the Nest Secure system should look for alternatives. Our FAQ explains exactly what happened and whether you are affected.

What is Nest Secure?

Nest Secure is a complete security system that Google used to offer through its acquired Nest brand. Similar to SimpliSafe and Abode's DIY systems, it includes a hub, detection motion sensor, and key fob to help automatically disarm the system. There was also a professional home monitoring option for those willing to pay a subscription.

What does end of support mean for Nest Secure?

Google discontinued its Nest Secure system more than a year ago while finalizing a partnership with security firm ADT. Discontinued simply means that sales have been discontinued. The end of support for the system on April 8th means the software can no longer receive updates and all Google-based functionality has stopped.

In practice, this means that your Nest Secure system is no longer available. The Nest app will no longer be available, the device will no longer be able to connect to the internet, and any alerts you previously set will no longer be sent.

Is it okay to continue using Nest Secure?

You can't. Think of a security kit as a set of paperweights that cost about $400.

The Nest Secure keychain used to look nice, but now it's decorative at best.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET Will other Nest security devices still work?

Standalone Nest devices also offer full support and functionality. This includes the Google Nest Hub, Google Nest Doorbell, Google Nest Wireless Cam, and similar devices on the list. There are some exceptions, which we'll discuss below, but if you purchased a separate Nest device (rather than a complete security system), this is usually not an issue.

Does this change affect Nest Aware?

no. Nest Aware is a subscription service that offers expanded video storage, facial recognition, and similar add-ons. Nest Aware works with many Nest devices other than Nest Secure and is not affected by this change.

Can I continue to use Nest Guard or Nest Connect hub?

Nest Guard is the hub device for the Nest Secure system, but it is no longer functional. Nest Connect is a separate (though confusing) hub device that works specifically with the Nest x Yale smart lock. For now, Nest Connect will continue to work and continue to support your Nest x Yale lock and allow you to connect to the internet.

Does loss of support affect individual Dropcams?

yes. Support for Google's Dropcams, including Dropcam and Dropcam Pro, has also ended. These devices will no longer work after April 2024.

Google's Nest Doorbell is effective, easy to install, and doesn't have to cost as much as some doorbells.

GoogleDoes Google offer returns or rebates for Nest Secure?

Most of the time, that's true, but it's a limited deal. Google offers to pay for ADT's DIY starter kit, which is about the same value as Nest Secure. The ADT Starter Kit includes a stove, two contact sensors, and a Google Nest Doorbell. If you have a Nest Secure system and did not receive this offer, please contact Nest Support.

If you own a Dropcam or are a Nest Aware subscriber, Google should have sent you an offer to exchange for a new Nest camera (also 50% off for certain non-subscribers). doing). If you haven't received this offer, please contact Google Nest Support.

What if I don't want to use ADT?

We don't necessarily blame you. In our past reviews, ADT didn't rate very well. Google also offers a $200 alternative available in the Nest store. This offers less value but more choice. If you're interested in using a traditional home security system, we recommend checking out our guide to the best DIY home security systems and our list of the best systems for renters for some great options .

How do I remove my Nest Secure device?

Don't just throw it away. Such electronics can be dangerous in landfills and offer the possibility of recycling. Google supports recycling programs and will send you a box to put your Nest Secure device in and handle it properly.

What if I continue to pay for professional monitoring with Nest Secure?

Please check your subscription. You no longer need to pay for Nest Secure's monitoring services. However, if you paid for Nest Aware, your subscription may continue even if you don't have a compatible Nest device. Review your monthly payments to identify issues, and only pay for Nest Aware if you have a supported device that requires additional features.

If you're tired of subscriptions and other plans after watching Nest news, check out our recommended security cameras without a subscription. Also check out our home security tips if you live with lots of roommates and how to save money and turn your old cell phone into a security camera.




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