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US unveils billion-dollar weapons program in Ukraine

US unveils billion-dollar weapons program in Ukraine


The United States will send a major security package to Ukraine, including much-needed air defense systems and artillery shells, the White House announced Wednesday, as the administration replenished its war chest after months of gridlock in Congress, moving quickly to help kyiv counter Russia's resurgence. campaign.

The arms package, worth an estimated $1 billion, jump-starts a broad U.S. effort to support Ukraine's struggling military as the war with Russia enters its third year. The Pentagon, expecting lawmakers to end their impasse, signaled in recent days that it was prepared to send at least some of that resupply to the battlefield within days.

President Biden, in remarks Wednesday morning, announced that shipments would begin in the coming hours, blaming Republican lawmakers for delays in aid that had already flowed in in the tens of billions since early 2022.

As MAGA Republicans blocked aid, Ukraine ran out of shells and ammunition, Biden said, adding that Moscow's allies in China, Iran and North Korea helped keep troops in Russians in combat with weapons and equipment.

Renewed aid alone is unlikely to tip the scales in kyiv's favor. But the injection of artillery ammunition, in particular, will be welcome at the front, where Ukrainian army units forced to ration their dwindling stocks have hunkered down and sought to slow Russia's advance. Western-supplied howitzers were used to help blunt efforts to break through their lines and pin down the Russian formations. Ukrainian troops also used U.S.-supplied rocket artillery to destroy command posts and equipment beyond the front lines.

Replenishing Ukraine's air defenses will help protect its battered cities and infrastructure, which have been the target of relentless Russian missile and drone attacks.

Meanwhile, Russia, aided by replacement of personnel and its own resupply of equipment, advanced slowly into the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, consolidating around the town of Chasiv Yar. Capturing Chasiv Yar would allow Moscow's forces to launch attacks from high ground, threatening major cities important to Ukraine's defense and supplies.

U.S. officials said they anticipated a difficult year ahead, in which Ukraine would seek to hold back Russian forces while preparing its own units to resume the offensive in the future. They say kyiv's priorities include controlling disputed areas in the country's north and east, maintaining its Black Sea trade route and diminishing Moscow's ability to attack from the south by keeping it at risk. the Crimean peninsula occupied by Russia.

While Moscow has rebuilt its forces and put pressure on Ukrainian positions on several fronts, its armies appear unable to make any significant breakthrough. For example, Russian troops failed to seize the initiative and penetrate further into Ukrainian lines after capturing the key town of Avdiivka earlier this year, an administration official said.

Yet kyiv's setbacks on the battlefield, some of which were partly due to an assistance shortfall, suggest modest expectations from Washington.

I don't think Ukraine is in a position where it is likely to regain significant territory in the coming months, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

The parcel inventory highlights Ukraine's urgent and enduring needs. The United States will provide Stinger air defense munitions and other munitions, including anti-ship missiles, which the Ukrainians modified so they could be launched from Soviet systems. The Pentagon will also ship Bradley Fighting Vehicles, Armored Personnel Carriers and Humvees.

The resupply of anti-armor weapons will come at a particularly crucial time, as Russian forces have advanced and made tactical adjustments along the front lines. More vehicles were used in assaults on Ukrainian positions compared to six months ago, a deputy battalion commander near Chasiv Yar recently told The Washington Post.

The US package includes TOW missiles, which can be used with fixed launchers or atop vehicles. It also includes Swedish-made Javelin anti-tank missiles and AT-4 anti-armor systems, which can help provide multi-layered defenses against Russian armored incursions.

Other assistance includes small arms ammunition, including .50 caliber rounds to shoot down drones, support vehicles to transport equipment and night vision devices, and spare parts and training ammunition.

The new US aid package is one of the largest the United States has provided to Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion began in early 2022. The latest arms transfer from Washington, totaling $300 million, was established in March after the Pentagon identified unanticipated cost savings in recent years. arms contracts.

The $61 billion for Ukraine newly authorized by Congress funds the Department of Defense to consolidate and ship weapons, munitions and equipment from existing U.S. military stockpiles, then to replenish those stocks with new purchases from national companies. It also includes funds to directly purchase weapons for kyiv.

Missy Ryan contributed to this report.




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