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435th AGOW Provides Customized Innovations to Combatants > Air Force > View Article

435th AGOW Provides Customized Innovations to Combatants > Air Force > View Article


Ramstein Air Base, Germany (AFNS) —

U.S. Air Force and Space Force professionals require agile, innovative solutions to solve current and future technology problems. The Project Arc team offers just that.

The 435th Air and Ground Operations Wing hosted the first Project ARC team at Ramstein Air Force Base from October 2023 to April 2024. The team integrated with the 435th AGOW unit and implemented a wide range of technical assistance and advancements to improve mission accomplishment and solve problems encountered by warfighters in the field.

Airmen are our most valuable asset. If they are given support and resources, we can make their ideas and solutions a reality. That's why Project Arc was brought to Germany. Our Airmen recognize the need for growth and together we are paving the way for agile and innovative ways to meet the needs of our warfighters.Col. Matthew Bartlett, 435th Air Ground Operations Wing commander

Project Arc is a diverse group of scientists and engineers with skill sets geared towards technological solutions, and is integrating uniformed members into field operational forces to leverage STEM talent and improve warfighter Identify and resolve pressing issues.

The team's main project, which incorporated the 435th AGOW unit, was designed to provide the U.S. military with near real-time images of air and ground obstacles that could impact ground forces in the battlespace. Focuses on advances in global command and control systems.

“Through our collaboration with the Project Arc team, we were able to define the process and technical requirements for integrating spectral data into the wing's core operational processes,” said Tech. Sergeant Blake Golledge, noncommissioned officer in charge of the electromagnetic support innovation cell. “As a result, our wings are becoming better equipped to deliver real-time spectral warnings that can create a blueprint for ground forces in providing critical insight and situational awareness, and ultimately mission assurance and We provide protection for our troops.”

Additional projects include the creation of the Space-A travel mobile app, designed to help military members and their families search for available flights in a user-friendly platform. Updated myFSS functionality to allow users to upload and share documents that require signatures while tracking their current position in the routing process. Introducing a new system to help aircraft personnel track accumulated spending.

What is Project Arc? Project Arc was established in July 2020 as a grassroots effort under AFWERX to advance the U.S. Air Force's 2030 Science and Technology Strategy.

The current team is a diverse, forward-thinking group of four U.S. Air Force service members from Air Force specialty codes such as Cyber ​​Defense Operations, Special Operations Combat Systems, and Cyberspace Effects Operations.

“Four Airmen from different backgrounds and career fields, each with unique experience, came together to make a measurable difference in the way forward commanders effectively execute their command and control authority,” said Sgt. Stated. Vincent Olshove, Air Force Research Laboratory Rapid Innovation Center Program Manager, Project Arc Coach.

“Being part of Project Arc has given me the opportunity to work collaboratively with a diverse team of individuals who bring different skill sets to the table,” added Project Arc Computer Scientist Senior Airman Brandon Freeman. “This allows people with special skills and abilities to bring much-needed capabilities to wings and units around the world.”

Whether you're working to modernize airmen's movement schedules within military passenger terminals or expanding the types of real-time data strategic decision makers have at hand for the next battle. , the Project Arc team spends countless hours working together on a range of operationally relevant problems. — has had a significant impact not only on the 435th AGOW mission, but also on operational mission and process improvements across the Department of Defense.

“Each mission strengthened our bonds and commitment to a cause, deepening our appreciation for teamwork and the collective effort involved in our work,” said Capt. Isaiah Nikolai, Project Arc software developer. ” he said. “Our efforts to streamline processes and introduce efficiencies are not just recognized, but seen as critical interventions that ‘buy back time’ for our personnel, and are used in real-world operations and ultimately I've heard directly from my colleagues that this is directly impacting the future of combat readiness. and strategic advantage. ”

Currently, Project Ark operates within a six-month rotation program, placing Airmen and Guardians in operational wings. The ultimate goal, Olshob said, is to reduce barriers between problem solvers and the warfighter and facilitate requirements assessment, prototyping and solution refinement that can impact the day-to-day operations of Airmen and Guardians. It is said to be significantly streamlined.

Eligibility to volunteer as a Project Arc member includes being a Department of Defense employee. All deployment requirements are up to date. Have a science, technology, or engineering background. Most importantly, the Project Arc team is looking for modders who are passionate about understanding why things work and skilled at moving solutions to operators.

“If you have an innovation-oriented mindset and the tenacity to solve complex problems, contributing to Project Arc will be both professionally and personally rewarding.” said Senior Airman Francarlo Monterrosa, a computer scientist and engineer with U.S. European Command. “This is more than just a project. It's an opportunity to be at the forefront of change and innovation, reimagining processes to move the U.S. Air Force forward in science, technology, engineering, and other critical areas that best serve the military and the Department of Defense.” This is an opportunity to foster innovation.”

Learn more about Project Arc, its past and current projects, and how to apply here.




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