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Two COVID-19s die in South Australia as state government launches primary school vaccination hub

Two COVID-19s die in South Australia as state government launches primary school vaccination hub


In South Australia, two people with COVID-19 have died as the state government has launched an initiative to increase immunization rates for children.

SA Health today reported 3,392 new COVID-19 cases. This is the lowest since last Monday, following the surge in numbers last week.

The two dead were both men and women in their 70s.

Yesterday, 3,796 new cases were reported. Saturday is 3,816..

Currently, 248 people with COVID-19 infection are hospitalized, including 7 who are receiving intensive care.

Elementary school vaccination hub

40 schools in Adelaide and South Australia It is used as a vaccination hub to increase low vaccination rates for children aged 5 to 11 years.

The program will be rolled out to 10 schools at a time over a four-week period starting Friday, May 27th.

The hub is repeated in an additional 9 weeks for the second dose.

Clinics on Fridays are limited to students and families, and a wider community can be vaccinated on Saturdays.

30 are in Adelaide, 10 are in rural areas and 6 are non-governmental schools.

So far, only 59% of children with SA between the ages of 5 and 11 have been vaccinated at least initially, compared to 96% of the state’s population over the age of 12.

Education Minister Blair Boyer said the school was chosen because it is “in a municipality with lower immunization rates than we would like.”

“This is the information we used as the basis for selecting all 40 sites, including 10 regions and 6 non-governmental sites,” Boyer said.

A 10 year old girl was vaccinated on her arm by a nurse
The 10-year-old Amelia Packer was one of the first children under the age of 12 to be vaccinated in January.((((ABC News).

However, some of the selected schools, such as Glenelg, Brighton, Magill, Beri, Lisdon Park, and Greenwis Elementary School, are located in the council area with immunization rates of 16 or higher above 95%.

Chief Public Health Director Nikola Sparia welcomes this initiative and says it is of particular importance to protect children infected with COVID-19 and having other health problems such as asthma, heart disease and epilepsy. Said.

Community Vaccination Day with free public transport to the hub will take place on May 28th.

Clinics will be set up in the council offices of Salisbury, Campbelltown, Playford, Tea Tree Gully, Port Adelaide Enfield, West Torrance, Port Pirie, Adelaide Planes and Barossa Valley.

Clinics will also be held at the Australian Red Cross in Adelaide CBD, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Port Lincoln, Berry and Port Pirie.

White-haired woman wearing a black top
Nicola Sparia, Chief of Public Health, said vaccination reduces the risk of PIMS-TS.((((ABC News).

Concerns about childhood syndrome

Professor Spurrier said nine children in South Australia have developed pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (PIMS-TS) since the onset of the pandemic, out of 96 children across Australia.

PIMS-TS can occur in children 2 to 6 weeks after being infected with COVID-19.




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