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Paxlovid rebound effect seen in some – NBC New York

Paxlovid rebound effect seen in some – NBC New York
Paxlovid rebound effect seen in some – NBC New York


The COVID-19 pandemic raises another mysterious problem with several patients taking Pfizer’s COVID antiviral drug, Paxrovid, who are initially feeling better and then experiencing rebound symptoms.

Matthew Boyd, 32, lives in the Lower East Side of Manhattan and was positive for coronavirus on May 6 with sore throat, sinus congestion, and a mucous-filled cough. The next day he started taking Paxlovid and finished the series of medications five days later, but he only found the symptoms to recur.

“I took Pax Rovid for 5 days. The first day is a holiday. [Paxlovid]I felt a kind of “sick”, and by Friday I had mucus, I felt sick again, I felt a lot of pain, and two days later I started to feel better, “Void said. I told New York.

For Boyd, this is the third time he has been infected with the coronavirus within two years before and after COVID vaccination. He also suffers from pre-existing conditions and long COVID, and the patient tolerates prolonged symptoms after recovery from the acute infection.

Voids are just one example of a “rebound” from taking COVID pills, but medical experts say this isn’t a concern, but it’s careful to contaminate others. ..

What is Paxlovid Rebound?

Paxlovid is an antiviral drug to combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is recommended to be taken for the first 5 days after symptoms appear. This treatment is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for people over the age of 12 and is prescribed to people at high risk of severe COVID infection.

In recent weeks, patients taking Paxrovid have begun to return symptoms of COVID.

Dominique Delzio, 30, from Long Island, used Twitter to share a recurrence after finishing the Paxrovid series. She became infected with the coronavirus as New York embarked on the fifth wave and Nassau County reached high alert levels last week.

Certain physicians, such as Dr. Bob Wachter, chair of the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, share concerns about social media. He questioned the infectivity of patients undergoing rebound and whether these cases were clinically mild.

Dr. Daniel Griffin, Head of Infections at ProHealth, states that the rebound is a mild relapse of 2-3 days. He reiterates that the FDA still recommends taking Paxlovid for 5 days.

“An interesting thing that many people aren’t aware of is whether you’re taking Paxrovid. The same percentage of people will feel sick in a few days and will be positive again,” Dr. Griffin said. I told New York.

The reason for this effect is not entirely clear, and some researchers believe it may be related to the lack of time for the immune system to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“Many people think that starting a drug early doesn’t give the immune system enough time to recognize the pathogen and initiate an appropriate immune response because it is most effective.” Dr. Bruce said. To Farber, News 4, Head of Public Health and Epidemiology at Northwell Health.

Dr. Farber states that it is important for patients with relapse to remember to isolate themselves again. This is recommended by the CDC for at least a full five days.

Are Recurrent COVID Symptoms Common?

According to a Pfizer Paxrovid study, the recurrence of COVID symptoms after taking the drug was about 2%, about the same percentage of patients in the rebound trial who took placebopill.

The end of last year, Pfizer published research It shows that oral medications have significantly reduced mortality and hospitalization in high-risk patients by less than 90%.

“I don’t know if it’s that rebound because of the nature of the disease, but we’re still getting what we want from Pax Rovid. We’re still 90% of the progression. We are seeing a decline, “said Dr. Griffin.

Both Boyd and Delzio shared with News 4 and announced that they would take Paxrovid again in the event of a future COVID infection.

With limited research on issues involving only one Medical preprint Further research will be conducted from Research Square.

At the White House briefing, Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fouch plans to investigate whether Pfizer and the National Institutes of Health need longer courses to take Paxrovid to prevent reinfection. Announced that there is.




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