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CDC warns of monkeypox when more than 1,000 cases worldwide

CDC warns of monkeypox when more than 1,000 cases worldwide


Test tubes labeled “Monkeypox virus positive and negative” can be seen in this figure taken on May 23, 2022.

Given Rubyc | Reuters

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has strengthened guidance on monkeypox and is calling on travelers to take special precautions, such as wearing face masks, as the number of cases of the virus exceeds 1,000 worldwide.

CDC is that Warning to level 2 On Monday, last month, we encouraged people to “practice enhanced precautions” to stop the outbreaks that spread to 29 non-epidemic countries. The highest level alert (level 3) alerts you to non-essential trips.

Public health agencies said the risk to the general public remained low, but with increased vigilance, close contact with sick people, including sick and dead animals, including skin and genital lesions. You will be prompted to avoid. Also, for those who are showing symptoms of the virus, Unexplained skin rash or lesionTo avoid contact with others and contact their health care provider for guidance.

Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus and has symptoms such as a rash. Fever, headache, muscle aches, swelling, back pain..

This is usually unique to Central and West African countries, but recent outbreaks in North America, Europe and Australia have confused healthcare professionals and raised concerns about community expansion.

As of Monday, 1,019 cases of suspected monkeypox have been reported in 29 countries. According to the CDC. The UK has recorded the highest number of cases to date, with 302 suspected and confirmed infections. This is followed by Spain with 198, Portugal with 153 and Canada with 80.

Health experts are looking for clues about the causes of outbreaks historically associated with travel from endemic countries.World Health Organization Monkeypox Technical Lead Said on wednesday The virus may have been transmitted undetected in non-endemic countries for “weeks, months, or perhaps years.”

U.S. detects two monkeypox strains

Until recently, the current outbreak was thought to be derived from a West African viral strain. The virus is less severe than other variants and has a case fatality rate of 1%.

but, CDC said on friday At least two genetically distinct monkeypox variants are currently in circulation in the United States, contributing to the confusion of health professionals. The United States has reported a total of 30 viruses so far.

“They are similar to each other, but their genetic analysis shows that they are not related to each other,” said Jennifer McQuiston, Deputy Director of Pathogens and Pathology, which has a significant impact on the CDC. Mentioned two variants at a press conference on Friday. ..

McQuiston said the two strains are likely to come from two different cases that spread from African animals to humans before the virus spread through human-to-human contact.

Professor Eyalleshem, an infectious disease specialist at the Sheva Medical Center, told CNBC on Monday that the spread of the virus to non-epidemic countries is surprising given the frequency and ease of traveling abroad and the increased interaction between humans and animals. He said it wasn’t.

“The locally prevalent disease can now travel much easier across countries and continents,” Reshem said.

“During that time, the interaction between humans and animals has also increased. Climate change has brought some animals into closer contact with humans. More of these types of diseases will be seen.” He added.

Most cases of monkeypox are mild, but usually resolve within 2-4 weeks, U.S. said on monday The appropriate vaccine to be sent to people at high risk of the virus has been given 36,000 times.Some European countries including England When SpainAnnounced similar measures to stop the spread of the disease.

Monkeypox is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, but so far the majority of cases are sexually transmitted diseases, especially Men having sex with menAccording to the CDC.




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