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Studies say starting a baby with a “nordic diet” can prevent childhood obesity

Studies say starting a baby with a “nordic diet” can prevent childhood obesity


Copenhagen, Demark — Starting a baby with a “Nordic diet” may hold the key to overcoming childhood obesity, researchers say. International teams have discovered that this diet is rich in low-protein foods such as berries, fish, root vegetables, and whole grains, and can instill healthier eating habits.

Infants aged 4 to 6 months consumed a small portion of these foods and infant formula or infant formula. A year later, they ate almost twice as many vegetables as they were given a traditional baby food.

Dr. Ulrika Johansson, lead author and pediatrician at Umeå University, said there were no side effects.

“”Scandinavian meal This dietary model reduced protein to naive babies, increased fruit, berry, vegetable and root intake, and established a favorable dietary pattern that lasted for 12 months, “says Johanson. Media release..

“There was no negative impact on breastfeeding, iron status, or growth.”

1 in 5 children are overweight

The World Health Organization believes that by adopting a Scandinavian-style diet, countries can reduce the incidence of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. According to the CDC, over 40% of adults in the United States are classified as obese. 1 in 5 children It falls within that range.

Dr. Johansson and colleagues tracked 250 babies up to the age of 18 months. The study showed significant differences in diet between the two groups. Parents of people on a Scandinavian diet received support through homemade recipes, protein-reduced baby food products, and social media.

These babies consumed 42-45 percent more fruit and vegetables during the first 12-18 months of life compared to babies eating traditional diets currently recommended by the Swedish Food Agency.Infants ate while traditional fruit consumption within the group remained constant Traditional diet Reduced vegetable intake by 36% between 12 and 18 months.

By the end of the study, babies on a Scandinavian diet had an average protein intake that was 17-29 percent lower than babies on a traditional diet. This was still within the recommended protein intake levels, and the overall calorie count between the two groups was the same.

The reduction in protein in the Nordic diet group was replaced by more carbohydrates from vegetables rather than more grains, along with excess fat from canola oil. Dr. Johansson added that low protein intake did not have any adverse effects.

“A protein-reduced Scandinavian diet is safe and feasible and may contribute to a sustainable and healthy diet in infancy and early childhood,” the researchers say.

Learn faster to eat a healthier diet

This new study may pave the way for broadening the taste spectrum of babies and may provide effective strategies for promoting healthier eating habits early in life.Scandinavian diets are locally and seasonally produced but have high intakes Fruits, berries, vegetables, Herbs, mushrooms, legumes. It is also rich in whole grains, vegetable oils, fish and eggs, and lacks meat, dairy products, sweets and desserts.

Typical fruits include buckthorn berries, buckthorn berries, cranberries, raspberries and blueberries.Scandinavian vegetables Rich in dietary fiber – Turnips, beets, suede, root celery, carrots, parsnips, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and more.

“The authors have shown significant effects in the diet of 12-month and 18-month-old children. The Scandinavian diet group consumed more fruits and vegetables and less protein than the control group. Was well tolerated and did not adversely affect the child’s growth or lactation period. Importantly, this study found that this diet was safe and feasible, exposed infants to different tastes and long-term. It shows that it can affect the taste of traditional foods, “concludes Jiri Bronsky, a professor at ESPGHAN (European Pediatric Gastroenterological Hepatology and Nutrition Society).

Scandinavian diet is similar Mediterranean dietExcept that it is based on foods that grow better in colder climates than in warmer ones.The team announced their findings at The 54th ESP GHAN Conference.

Mark Waghorn, writer of South West News Service, contributed to this report.




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