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According to a new study, marijuana users are nearly 25% more likely to need emergency care and hospitalization.

According to a new study, marijuana users are nearly 25% more likely to need emergency care and hospitalization.


New studies have found that the use of recreational marijuana has a high risk of care in the emergency room and is associated with hospitalization for some reason. Clinician researcher in the Department of Respiratory Medicine, University of Toronto School of Medicine. “Our studies show that the use of this substance has serious negative consequences, especially associated with ED (emergency department) visits and hospitalization,” said Vozoris. Significant Risk of Hospitalization The study, published Monday in the journal BMJ Open Respiratory Research, examined health record data for more than 30,000 people aged 12 to 65 years in Ontario, Canada, over a six-year period. People who did not use marijuana, cannabis users, were 22% more likely to visit or be hospitalized in the emergency department, the study found. Excuse me even after adjusting my analysis for more than 30 other confusion factors such as other illegal drug use, alcohol use, and tobacco smoking. A 2021 study found that marijuana smokers had higher blood and urinary levels of some smoke-related toxins, such as naphthalene, acrylamide, and acrylonitrile, than non-smokers. Naphthalene is associated with anemia, liver and neuropathy, and acrylamide and acrylonitrile are associated with cancer and other health problems. Another study last year found that teens are about twice as likely to report chest “depression or whistle” after smoking marijuana. Growth of Studies More Than After Using Tobacco Many studies have shown an association between marijuana use and injury, both physically and mentally. Marijuana by teens and young adults with mood disorders. Heavy Use-Depression and According to a 2021 Study Bipolar Disorders-Another 2021 Study Associated with Increased Risk of Cannabis, Attempted Cannabis, and Death Including Teens A habitual user of cannabis has been found to be increasingly appearing in emergency rooms complaining of severe intestines. Pain known as “cannabisoid illness syndrome” or CHS. This condition causes nausea, severe abdominal pain, and long-term vomiting. Dr. Sam Wang, a pediatric emergency medicine expert and toxicologist at the Colorado Children’s Hospital, told CNN in a previous interview. A review published earlier this year examined more than 43,000 studies and found adverse effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the main psychoactive compound of cannabis, affects higher levels of thinking in the brain. For young people, this effect “results in poor achievement in education, and in adults, it can lead to poor work performance and dangerous driving. He is an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal. The author, Dr. Alexander Dumais, told CNN in a previous interview. Following Covid’s pandemic, at financially difficult times … cannabis use is increasing around the world, “Bozoris said. Stated. Leader. ”

A new study found that the use of recreational marijuana has a high risk of care in the emergency room and is associated with hospitalization for some reason.

“The use of cannabis is not as benign and safe as some people think,” said research author Nicholas Bozoris, an assistant professor and clinician researcher in the Department of Respiratory Medicine, University of Toronto School of Medicine.

“Our studies show that the use of this substance is associated with serious negative consequences, especially ED (emergency department) visits and hospitalization,” Vozoris said in an email.

Significant risk of hospitalization

the study, Published in the journal BMJ OpenRespiratory Research on MondayOntario, Canada, examined national health record data for over 30,000 residents aged 12 to 65 over a 6-year period.

Studies have shown that cannabis users were 22% more likely to visit or be hospitalized in the emergency department when compared to those who did not use marijuana.

This finding was true even after adjusting the analysis of more than 30 other confounding factors, such as other illegal drug use, alcohol use, and tobacco smoking.

“Physical injury was a major cause of emergency outpatients and hospitalizations for cannabis users, and respiratory reasons soon emerged,” Bozoris said.

A 2021 study found that marijuana smokers had higher blood and urinary levels of several smoke-related toxins, such as naphthalene, acrylamide, and acrylonitrile, than non-smokers. Naphthalene is associated with anemia, liver and neurological damage, while acrylamide and acrylonitrile are associated with cancer and other health problems.

another Research done last year We found that teens are about twice as likely to report “wheezing or whistling” in the chest after smoking marijuana than after smoking or using e-cigarettes.

Growing research institute

Many studies have shown a link between marijuana use and physical and mental injuries.

Heavy use of marijuana by teens and young adults with mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder is associated with an increased risk of self-harm, suicide attempt, and death. According to a 2021 study..

Another 2021 study found that addicted cannabis users, including teenagers, are increasingly appearing in emergency rooms complaining of severe intestinal distress known as “cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome” or CHS. I understand.

This condition causes nausea, severe abdominal pain, and long-term vomiting that “can last for hours,” said Dr. Sam Wang, a pediatric emergency medicine expert and toxicologist at the Colorado Children’s Hospital. I told CNN in a previous interview..

A review published earlier this year examined studies of more than 43,000 people and found that tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the major psychoactive compounds in cannabis, adversely affect higher levels of thinking in the brain. Did.

For young people, this effect “can result in poor educational background, and in adults it can lead to poor work performance and dangerous driving. These results are even worse for normal heavy users. “There is a possibility,” said Dr. Alexander Dumais, an associate clinical professor of psychiatry. I told CNN in a previous interview at the University of Montreal.

“Following Covid’s pandemic, and at times of financial difficulty, when healthcare systems are already thinly growing around the world … cannabis use is increasing around the world,” Bozoris said. ..

“Our findings should sound a’warning’in the minds of the general public, health professionals and political leaders,” he said in an email.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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