WHO reconsiders whether the outbreak of monkeypox is a public health emergency of international concern
In late June, the WHO Emergency Committee decided that the outbreak did not meet the criteria for such a declaration.
However, as the virus continues to spread, WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanomgebreyes hopes that the Commission will revisit this issue, based on the latest data on epidemiology and outbreak development.
Mr. Tedros said he would convene the committee on Wednesday, the week of July 18, or earlier if necessary.
“Testing is still a challenge and it is likely that a significant number of cases have not been addressed,” he added. “Europe is the epicenter of the current outbreak, recording more than 80% of the world’s cases.”
The viral disease monkeypox occurs primarily in central and western Africa, and the virus is endemic, but as part of a recent outbreak, the virus has spread to many parts of the world and is not normally found.
Cases have also been reported in African countries that were previously unaffected by the virus, with record numbers recorded in areas where the virus is endemic, Tedros said. He said the WHO team is tracking the data closely.
WHO is working with countries and vaccine manufacturers to coordinate the sharing of deficient monkeypox vaccines. The organization is also working with the group to break the stigma about the virus and disseminate information to protect people.
Early outbreak data suggest a high number of reported cases of gay and bisexual men, as well as other men having sex with men, leading to concerns about illness and stigmatization of the LGBTQ community. I am.
However, anyone who is in close contact with someone infected with the virus can be at risk.
It can also spread through respiratory secretions during prolonged face-to-face contact or during intimate physical contact such as kissing, hugging, or gender.
The rash goes through various stages and develops into acne before it heals.
US monkeypox testing increased
Efforts are underway in the United States to enhance virus testing.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Lab Corporation of the Commercial Institute will begin testing monkeypox at the largest facility in the United States on Wednesday, doubling its ability to test for viruses.
“The ability of commercial laboratories to test monkeypox is an important pillar of our comprehensive strategy to combat this disease,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky on Wednesday. “This not only improves testing capacity, but also makes it easier for healthcare providers and patients to access testing by leveraging the existing healthcare provider-laboratory relationship.”
If someone thinks they may be infected with monkeypox, their health care provider should order a test. “The general public will not be able to go to Lab Corporation’s lab and submit specimens,” the CDC said in a statement.
The CDC’s Laboratory Response Network conducts most of the monkeypox-specific tests in the United States, but on June 22, the US Department of Health and Human Services conducted monkeypox tests at five commercial laboratories (Aegis Science, Labcorp, Mayo Clinic). ) Was announced. Laboratory, Quest Diagnosis and Sonic Healthcare.
The CDC shipped the test to the lab on Wednesday, confirming that its employees were trained in how to manage the test. “CDC expects additional commercial laboratories to go online and monkeypox testing capacity to continue to increase throughout July.”
Naomi Thomas of CNN contributed to this report.
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