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Local University Considers Safety Protocols As Monkeypox Declares Public Health Emergency ::

Local University Considers Safety Protocols As Monkeypox Declares Public Health Emergency ::


— As the Biden Administration declaring monkeypox a public health emergency, Triangle colleges and universities are reviewing safety protocols.

North Carolina reported 86 cases of the virus on Thursday. This is the biggest one-day surge, and he has 14 more cases than Wednesday.

August 22nd is the first day of classes for students at North Carolina State University. School leaders have said they plan to provide testing and vaccines through Campus Health Services when a vaccine becomes available.

Few graduate students, like Ab Gundala, are on the NC State campus before classes begin.

“We’re all just trying to get an education, just trying to be normal,” said Gundala.

As students try to navigate college amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, they know there is an added concern of monkeypox.

“Handling and managing an entire group of college students isn’t necessarily… 30,000 kids. It’s not easy.

Dr. David Weber of UNC Health said declaring monkeypox a public health emergency would give officials the power to increase vaccine production and take other action.

“We have a lot of advantages over COVID — we’re less contagious. We have a rash, so it’s easier to diagnose. There’s no shortage of diagnostic tests today. We already have an FDA-approved vaccine that we can use. There is a cure,” Webber said.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common spread of monkeypox is when people come into contact with monkeypox rashes, scabs, or bodily fluids.

Weber says students should be concerned but not panic.

“It should be viewed in terms of mild, self-healing illnesses…which are rare at this time,” said Weber. “Those that require prolonged person-to-person direct skin contact.” So I don’t think it poses a serious threat to college students, and it’s clearly not a threat to students in kindergarten through grade 12.”

“It can be transmitted by breathing it in, but it requires prolonged contact, usually three hours or more, unlike COVID, which can develop within minutes.”

Rachel Roper, an immunology professor at East Carolina University, shared the risks of living in a cramped space like a student dormitory.

“Any time large groups of people gather, viruses and bacteria can be transmitted… Group housing increases the chances of getting on board when many people live in the same building. Potential to spread disease.” is much higher,” Roper said.

“In general, monkeypox is not of much concern to the general public. There may be some outbreaks right now…that could change dramatically, but it’s unlikely.” I think.”

A 29-year-old Durham man is asking questions about Durham County and state preparedness for monkeypox after testing positive for the virus.  WRAL News has chosen not to identify the individual.

Students hope their institutions have learned lessons from the COVID-19 outbreak.

“If another outbreak occurs, I hope it doesn’t, but if it does, I think they will be well prepared and will consistently do the right thing.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill said Campus Health stands ready to identify symptoms, test if necessary, and recommend a vaccine.




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