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New York CDC Supports Polio Immunization and Research – NBC New York

New York CDC Supports Polio Immunization and Research – NBC New York
New York CDC Supports Polio Immunization and Research – NBC New York


What you need to know

  • New York State Health Commissioner Mary Bassett said a confirmed polio case in an unvaccinated adult and the detection of the virus in sewage water could indicate a larger outbreak was underway. I warned you there is.
  • “Based on previous polio outbreaks, New Yorkers should know that for each observed case of paralytic polio, hundreds of people may be infected.
  • State health officials urgently call on unvaccinated people to get vaccinated as soon as possible

A federal team was deployed to New York to investigate one polio-positive case in the state. The case was found in Rockland County in an unvaccinated adult with paralysis.

CDC confirms presence in Empire State, health officials urge unvaccinated people to get vaccinated against virus, cites new evidence of possible “community spread” I was.

“CDC continues to work with the New York State Department of Health to investigate recent polio cases. This includes sending a small team to New York to assist on the ground,” a spokesperson confirmed Sunday.

Poliovirus has now been found in seven different wastewater samples from two adjacent counties in upstate New York City.

But based on previous polio outbreaks, “New Yorkers should know that for each observed case of paralytic polio, hundreds of people may be infected,” the state said. health commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said in a statement Thursday.

“Combined with the latest wastewater findings, the agency is treating the single case of polio as just the tip of the iceberg with the potential for much greater spread,” she said. Polio exists in New York today. We must meet this moment by ensuring that adults, including those who are pregnant, and infants up to two months old have up-to-date immunizations. This is the safe protection against this debilitating virus that every New Yorker needs. ”

The Rockland County polio patient is the first person known to have contracted the virus in the United States in nearly a decade. Wastewater samples taken in the adjacent Orange He County in He June and He July also contained the virus.

Once one of the most feared diseases in the United States, polio was declared eradicated in the United States in 1979, more than 20 years after a vaccine was available.

Although the majority of people who get polio have no symptoms, they can still shed the virus and infect others for days or weeks. wake up. The disease is fatal in her 5-10% of paralyzed people.

All New York schoolchildren must be vaccinated against polio, but some areas may have lax enforcement of immunization regulations. Both Rockland and Orange counties are known centers of vaccine resistance. increase. Statewide, approximately 79% have completed the polio immunization course by the time she is two years old. In Orange County, that rate he is 59%. 60% in Rockland.

The Orange County wastewater sample was originally collected from the city’s wastewater treatment plant for COVID-19 testing.

“Polio is a disease that has been largely eradicated by vaccination, especially in certain areas of our county, where vaccination rates for this debilitating disease are low,” said Orange County Health Commissioner Irina Gelman. When you think about it, the prevalence in our community is concerning.” she said. “I urge all unvaccinated Orange County residents to get vaccinated as soon as medically possible,” she said.

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Saturday declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern. This designation places monkeypox on the same list as other outbreaks such as COVID-19, Zika, H1N1 influenza, polio and Ebola.




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