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What leisure activities are associated with reduced risk of dementia? — Science Daily

What leisure activities are associated with reduced risk of dementia? — Science Daily


Leisure activities such as reading, doing yoga, and spending time with family and friends reduce the risk of dementia, according to a new meta-analysis published online on 10 August 2022. can be useful for neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. A meta-analysis reviewed the available studies on the effects of cognitive, physical and social activity and the risk of dementia.

“Previous studies have shown that leisure activity is associated with a range of health benefits, including reduced cancer risk, reduced atrial fibrillation, and perceived health in oneself.” , said study author Dr. Lin Lu of Beijing. Sixth University Hospital, Beijing, China. “However, there is conflicting evidence about the role of leisure activities in preventing dementia. I know it’s related.”

A meta-analysis included a review of 38 studies worldwide involving a total of over 2 million people without dementia. The participant was followed for at least 3 years.

Participants provided information about their leisure activities through questionnaires and interviews. Leisure activities were defined as those that people engage in for enjoyment and well-being and were divided into mental, physical and social activities.

During the study, 74,700 people developed dementia.

After adjusting for factors such as age, gender and education, researchers found that overall leisure activity was associated with a lower risk of dementia. Those who engaged in leisure activities had a 17% lower risk of developing dementia than those who did not.

Mental activities consisted primarily of intellectual activities and included reading and writing for entertainment, watching television, listening to the radio, playing games and musical instruments, using computers, and making crafts. Researchers found that people who participated in these activities had a 23% lower risk of dementia.

Physical activity includes walking, running, swimming, bicycling, using exercise equipment, sports, yoga and dancing. Researchers found that those who participated in these activities had a 17% lower risk of dementia than she did.

Social activities mainly refer to activities that involve communicating with others, including attending classes, joining social clubs, volunteering, visiting relatives and friends, and participating in religious activities. Researchers found that those who participated in these activities had a 7% lower risk of dementia.

“This meta-analysis suggests that there are benefits to being active, and that there are many activities that you can easily incorporate into your daily life that are beneficial to your brain,” says Lu. said Mr. “Our study found that leisure activity may reduce the risk of dementia. , should include larger sample sizes and longer follow-up times.”

A limitation of this study was that people reported their physical and mental activity, so they may not remember and report the activity correctly.

This research was supported by the China Natural Science Foundation, the China Association for Science and Technology, and the PKU-Baidu Foundation.

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material provided by American Neurological Association. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.




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