Vegetarian women have a 33% higher risk of hip fractures – 3 things you can do to reduce your risk
There are many reasons why people choose to go vegetarianFor example, many people choose a plant-based diet for environmental and ethical reasons. Another major reason people choose to become vegetarian is because of the hype regarding potential health benefits.
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In fact, there is some evidence that a vegetarian diet is associated with a reduced risk of: Diabetes, cardiovascular disease When cancerHowever, there is also growing concern about poor bone health and an increased risk of fractures in vegetarians and vegetarians.
Previous studies have shown that vegetarians have lower bone density. However, few studies have investigated whether vegetarians have an increased risk of certain diseases. fracture – Especially hip fractures. It is one of the most common types of fractures and disproportionately affects women.
Our study sought to address this research gap. A vegetarian woman was found to have a 33% higher risk of hip fracture compared to women who ate regularly. meat.
hip fracture risk
A large-scale analysis of diet and hip fracture risk was performed using data from the UK Women’s Cohort Study. The cohort consisted of her 35,000 UK-based women (ages 35-69, mostly Caucasian), diet Lifestyle from 1995 to 1998. This data was correlated with participants’ hospital records over approximately 20 years to identify who had a hip fracture.
Women were then classified as regular meat eaters (eating meat more than 5 times a week), occasional meat eaters (eating meat less than 5 times a week), and pescatarians (eating fish but no meat). ), and vegetarians (do not eat meat or meat). fish). Vegans were included in the vegetarian group because there were not enough vegans to study them separately.
Our analysis also considered other factors that may influence hip fracture risk. alcohol consumption, smoking, exercise habitsmenopausal status and socioeconomic status.
Compared to regular meat eaters, vegetarians had a higher risk of hip fractures. However, pescatarians and occasional meat eaters had no increased risk.
Our findings are largely consistent with those of two other studies on this topic. A 2020 study showed that vegetarians (both men and women) had a 25% higher risk of hip fractures compared to meat eaters. showed that vegetarians had a 17% higher risk of hip fracture compared to vegetarians. non vegetarian (However, this study was not statistically significant).
Another study did show that a diet high in fruit and vegetables may reduce the risk of hip fractures, but this review did not specifically focus on vegetarian diets.
reduce the risk
Despite growing evidence that vegetarians are poor, bone health (which increases the risk of hip fractures), but it is still unclear what increases this risk.
Further research is needed to identify the causative factors. But in the meantime, here are his three evidence-based ways you can lower your risk of hip fractures.
Previous studies have shown body mass index (BMI) low for vegetarians. While a low BMI is beneficial for many health conditions, being underweight can lead to poor bone and muscle health, both of which can increase your risk of hip fractures.
Few body fat This means less cushioning during falls, a leading cause of hip fractures. Low hip flexor and spinal extensor muscle mass can lead to poor balance and mobility, which can increase the risk of falls and hip fractures. Underweight people are more likely to have low bone density, which greatly increases the risk of hip fractures.
This is why maintaining a healthy weight is key to preventing fractures in vegetarians. Is required.
2. Plan your meals
Meat and fish are excellent sources of several nutrients important for bone health. protein, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acidsphosphorus, zinc.
Although it is possible to obtain most of these nutrients from plant sources, egg and dairy products, previous studies have found that vegetarians have lower intakes of these nutrients. They were generally less likely to get enough protein compared to meat eaters.
Therefore, vegetarians may need to pay more attention to the amount of these nutrients they consume – especially protein – Maintain healthy bones. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, beans, and whole grains provides most of the nutrients needed for bone health.
Eating foods fortified with key nutrients and taking supplements can help vegetarians get enough vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids that are difficult to obtain from plant foods.
3. Lead a generally healthy lifestyle
Along with diet, several factors can help reduce the risk of hip fractures. alcohol consumption, as well as exercising regularly. Strength training (such as weightlifting) is particularly beneficial as it increases bone and muscle strength.
Of course, vegetarianism is good for both you and the planet. But it’s important to know that it can increase your risk of hip fractures. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and staying active can all help reduce this risk.
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