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Five more monkeypox cases were reported in Riverside County, bringing the total to 128.

Five more monkeypox cases were reported in Riverside County, bringing the total to 128.

Riverside County reported five more confirmed or probable monkeypox cases today, bringing the total to 128.

Riverside University Health System spokesman Jose Arballo told the City News Service that 45 cases had been confirmed, with 82 likely, according to Monday’s tally.

Arballo provided the latest numbers with a monkeypox dashboard that shares a county breakdown of cases with city-by-city data and more.

One probable case reported on Friday was changed to probable, bringing the total number of probable or confirmed cases since Friday to 123 instead of the originally reported number of 124. Arballo told CNS.

As of Friday, Palm Springs had reported a total of 67 probable or confirmed monkeypox cases, nearly half of the county’s total of 128 cases, according to the latest RUHS data.

The woman’s first probable or confirmed case was reported on Tuesday.

Last Monday, Arballo reported a total of 87 probable/confirmed cases, up from 59 the previous week. Her two cases, originally reported in Riverside County, have since been assigned to San Bernardino County.

Riverside County Public Health Officer Jeffrey Leung signed a public health emergency declaration last week to draw attention to the virus, and the County Board of Supervisors ratified the declaration last week.

“We have seen not only the devastating physical effects of monkeypox on those infected, but also the emotional toll on partners, families and loved ones,” Leon said in a statement. , community partners and local leaders to work together to reinforce our commitment to slowing and ultimately stopping the spread of this virus.”

State and federal officials have also declared a state of emergency in response to monkeypox.

Riverside County Health officials have distributed 75% of the allotted monkeypox vaccine dose to DAP Health, Eisenhower Medical Center, Borrego Health, and RUHS’ EIP clinics in the Coachella Valley from the county’s limited supplies. Arballo told CNS.

He said he had received 3,514 doses of the JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine, two doses, enough for about 1,750 people, before 75% were distributed to the Coachella Valley.

The remaining 25% was retained for RUHS efforts such as large-scale events and post-exposure prophylaxis, Arballo said.

“We continue to work on adding community partners to make our limited vaccine supply more widely available, and we continue to advocate for more vaccinations in our counties. “It’s been a long time coming,” said Arballo.

Vaccines can prevent infection if given before or immediately after exposure to the virus, health officials say.

The county is working with community partners to expand eligibility for the double-dose vaccine to include at-risk individuals and offer tecovirimat (an antiviral drug used to treat orthopoxvirus infections such as monkeypox). We have established treatment facilities.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health recommend prioritizing vaccination for high-risk and infected patients. Gay and bisexual men are at increased risk of contracting the virus, according to the CDC.

The World Health Organization has declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern.”

As of Thursday, California had a total of 2,663 confirmed monkeypox cases, according to the latest CDC data. That was the second-highest number of deaths in the state after New York with 2,744, and a total of 14,115 nationwide.

According to the CDC, monkeypox is usually spread by close skin-to-skin contact resulting from an infectious rash or crust, but also respiratory secretions and body fluids exchanged during prolonged physical episodes such as sexual intercourse. It can lead to infection.

Symptoms include acne, blisters, rashes, fever, and fatigue. There is no specific treatment. People who have had smallpox or who have been vaccinated against smallpox may have immunity to monkeypox.

Those with symptoms are encouraged to visit their health care provider and cover the rash area with clothing, wear a mask, and avoid close or skin-to-skin contact with other people.

CDC specifically recommends these procedures for people who have recently traveled to areas where monkeypox cases have been reported or who have been in contact with anyone with a confirmed or suspected monkeypox case.

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