Skipping breakfast can affect your child’s health
- According to researchers, breakfast not only provides children with physical benefits, but also provides a psychosocial boost.
- They add that what children eat for breakfast and where they eat their morning meals can also make a difference.
- A healthy breakfast may also improve your child’s performance in school, according to experts.
- They suggest preparing breakfast the night before for busy parents to save time in the morning.
Intermittent fasters may want to reconsider the idea of skipping breakfast. Or at least make sure your kids don’t.
new research Eating breakfast not only provides physical benefits but also psychosocial benefits for teenagers, according to a paper published today.
In this study, the researchers said that not only is breakfast itself important to teens, but what they eat and where they eat is also important.
“Skipping breakfast or eating breakfast away from home is associated with an increased likelihood of psychosocial behavioral problems in children and adolescents.” Jose Francisco Lopez Gil Ph.D., lead author of the study and professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Cuenca, Spain.
Researchers also say that certain foods and drinks are associated with higher and lower odds of psychosocial behavioral problems.
López-Gil and his team 2017 Spanish National Health SurveyThis includes questions about breakfast habits and the child’s psychosocial health, self-esteem, mood and anxiety. Questions were answered by parents or guardians of her 3,772 Spanish children aged 4 to her 14 years.
Researchers reported that eating breakfast away from home was just as harmful as skipping breakfast altogether.
We also found that coffee, milk, tea, chocolate, cocoa, yogurt, bread, toast, cereal and pastries were all associated with a lower likelihood of behavioral problems. Eggs, cheese and ham were associated with a higher risk of such problems.
The team said the availability of a nutritious breakfast at school likely influenced the results.
“Our findings should not only promote breakfast as part of a healthy lifestyle routine, but should also reinforce the need to eat at home.” To prevent obesity, having a breakfast that includes dairy and grains and minimizing certain animal products that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol can help reduce psychosocial health problems in young people. ”
Katie Tomashkoa registered dietitian nutritionist in Buffalo, N.Y., told Healthline that eating at home likely means healthier choices.
“More importantly, they have time to bond with their families and can check in before the day. is very important for growing children and teens.
“After sleeping all night, our bodies are dehydrated and not powered by the energy that food provides,” she explained. Feeling low in energy can affect your mood, focus/concentration and cognitive function Eating breakfast consciously helps you check yourself in and get ready for the day It is also a psychological way to
However, Tomaszko was skeptical that eating breakfast away from home was worse than eating nothing at all.
“But it’s possible that breakfast is fueling not only the body, but also the mind and emotional state. And having breakfast at home is an important part of the system that supports the start of the day.” “When children eat away from home, they are more likely to be distracted while eating, reducing the important social bonding that comes with sitting down to eat with loved ones. Food can bond as well as fuel the body. etc.). Still, I think having breakfast (anywhere) is better than not having it at all. ”
Chris Tompkins Associate psychologist at an online education company tearaEating in a quiet and safe environment can help promote mindful eating.
“Mindful eating tunes into our body’s natural hunger and satiety signals, allowing us to appreciate and enjoy eating,” said Tompkins. Eating mindfully aids digestion and promotes satiety, and being in a home environment can support this. This often negatively impacts the eating experience, digestion and health.”
Dr. Tompkins says that low blood sugar after hours of sleep “causes fatigue, irritability and low mood, so it’s important to address this from a mental health perspective.”
“Teens are particularly susceptible to body image issues and eating disorders,” he added. “They are under pressure to look a certain way, and unrealistic body standards are perpetuated by advertising and social media. Eating a nutritious breakfast together mitigates this effect. can.”
Brandi GarzaA licensed counselor for Mindpath Health told Healthline that as a school counselor she saw a difference when she asked kids if they ate breakfast.
“Most of the time, people in chairs shrugged and shook their heads,” says Garza. “Before proceeding, I asked if he would pick snacks and water from the office trash can. The biological check was a great start.
And it’s important for parents to be present to monitor what their children eat, she said.
“Ask your teacher what adolescent scholars eat for ‘breakfast.’ You’ll hear the latest trends in energy drinks, sodas, Starbucks, or anything blazing hot,” says Garza. “For four years I worked at a particular school that offered free breakfast to all students. We chose to buy high-energy and even high-sugar varieties.
Christina Meyer-JacksRDN, nutrition chair and assistant professor at Northwestern University of Health Sciences in Minnesota, suggested that parents start a breakfast strategy the night before.
“For example, I put my smoothie ingredients in a blender and put them in the fridge so they’re ready in the morning,” Meyer-Jacks told Healthline. Often our dinner meals are perfectly balanced with protein and nutrient-dense high-fiber carbohydrates. An excellent choice.
And for children who say they’re not hungry?
“One of the reasons people say they’re not hungry in the morning is because of hunger pain,” says Meyer-Jax. “In those situations, eating smaller pieces will help digestion easier and will slowly activate metabolic enzymes and hormones.”
“We recommend starting with a glass of water, then a small piece of fruit or a cup of berries, thin rice cakes with nut butter, string cheese, or a hard-boiled egg for protein,” she says. She added. Too much caffeine without a meal can give you an energy spike, while hypoglycemia crashes in a nervous state.”
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