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Over 100 COVID-19 positive students at the University of Washington


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  • 15 Yuai Kaikan with 117 students report cases of COVID-19 at the University of Washington
  • The university is conducting further testing and verification, and students are told to self-isolate
  • King County health officials reiterated the need to follow public health protocols as schools are considering face-to-face lessons this fall.

A few days after the case was first announced on Tuesday (June 30th), more than 100 fraternity students tested positive for COVID-19, and the coronavirus outbreak hit the University of Washington Greek community. ..

The Interfraternity Council has 15 Yuai Kaikan with 117 students in front of the university. statement Friday (July 3rd). While the students were told to self-isolate, school authorities were still collecting and verifying the incident. The campus has 25 Greek homes and is home to more than 1,000 students.

The council also A dozen parties were held Last month, students struck a social distance ahead of face masks. Students seemed to start showing symptoms of COVID-19 on the weekend of June 27, and the school immediately promoted testing.

“We’ve set up a site near our homes and apartments in Greece within 24 hours so students can take their exams,” said LW Sabrandenburg of UW Medical Hospitals and Clinics. Seattle patch.. “On the first day, we tested 430 students.”

13348002824_0783bba895_k The outbreak of the COVID-19 incident hit Washington University in Seattle. Photo: Joe Mabel/Flickr (

The outbreak is a concern for King County, with face-to-face lessons reopening, especially in the fall.

“If you don’t take precautions, you’ll get many COVIDs in return,” said county health official Dr. Jeff Duchin. “The COVID prevention game now needs to be significantly enhanced to avoid backtracking.”

Duchin reiterated that residents should follow simple measures to prevent the spread of the virus, such as restricted gathering of people, wearing face masks in public places, regular hand washing, and physical distance. It was. Students may be at low risk of COVID-19 complications, but will not be infected by the virus or die of the disease.

Dr. Jeffrey Gottlieb, chair of the UW Advisory Committee on Infectious Diseases, also encourages students to follow health guidelines.

“If not, the measures now needed in the Greek column would be inevitable,” he said. “My feeling is that every student wants to return to some normal sensation.”


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