Spaceflight May Increase Heart Disease, Cancer Risk: Study – The Hill
Story outline
- The growing interest in commercial space travel, in addition to the recent high-profile NASA projects, raises questions about the long-term safety of space exploration.
- To better understand how spaceflight affects individuals, researchers evaluated blood samples from 14 healthy astronauts.
- A total of 34 mutations were identified in 17 genes. This may indicate that these individuals are at increased risk for some cancers and cardiovascular disease.
rise of Space travel Industry, with recently postponed NASA Artemis I Projecthelped bring space exploration back to the forefront of the national conversation.
However, a recent study published communication biology It highlights the potential health risks astronauts may face upon returning to Earth.
Researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai evaluated blood samples from 14 astronauts who flew short missions between 1998 and 2001.
Data suggests that spaceflight may be associated with DNA mutations that can increase the risk of developing cancer and heart disease throughout an individual’s lifetime.
The study, the first of its kind, included analysis of astronaut blood taken 10 days before flight, on the day of landing, and three days after landing.
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Participants had a median age of 42 years at the time of flight and were predominantly male. For the six of us, this mission was our first mission. The median length of all missions was 12 days, and blood samples were stored for approximately 20 years before analysis.
“Spaceflight is associated with exposure to a variety of stressors, including: [space radiation]microgravity, and other deleterious space environmental factors,” the authors wrote, but the mutations identified in the study are usually caused by environmental factors such as exposure to ultraviolet light.
hematopoietic stem cells — or those that can develop into white blood cells, red blood cells, or platelets — all 14 astronauts revealed a DNA mutation known as somatic mutations, that cannot be passed on to offspring.
Mutations were found in the clonal hematopoietic (CH) driver gene. CH is a process in which there is an overabundance of blood cells derived from a single clone and represents a relatively benign progenitor state that can develop into a potentially indeterminate CH (chips).
While CH is not an indicator of disease, it is associated with increased risk of both cancer and cardiovascular disease, the researchers explained, and the findings support the importance of blood screening for astronauts and retirees. He added that he emphasized
“Astronauts work in extreme environments where many factors can cause somatic mutations, most importantly space radiation. [CH]said lead study author David Goukassian, Icahn Mount Sinai Cardiovascular Institute. statement.
“However, [CH] What we observed was a relatively small size, and the fact that these mutations were observed is surprising given the relatively young age and health of these astronauts.” Goukassian said.
The researchers identified a total of 34 mutations in 17 CH driver genes. The results do not mean that the astronauts will develop the disease, but prolonged exposure to the deep space environment may increase the risk over time.
“NASA and its medical team recommend that astronauts be screened for somatic mutations and possible clonal expansion or regression every three to five years. , somatic mutations are clonally propagated and chipped,” Gukkasian added.
Additional longitudinal studies are needed to better understand the health risks of spaceflight and target interventions to people who may be most at risk of deteriorating health, the authors conclude. attached.
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