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The opinions of another Salvirus researcher who are in danger of infection with humans are as follows:health

The opinions of another Salvirus researcher who are in danger of infection with humans are as follows:health
The opinions of another Salvirus researcher who are in danger of infection with humans are as follows:health


According to a new study from the Colorado University Boulder, an unknown family published in the online journal Cell on September 30 virus It is currently known to be a fatal cause similar to Ebola, which is currently in Africa’s wild primates. symptoms Despite the fact that specific monkeys are “ready for spillover” to people, altertide viruses are already considered seriously dangerous for macusals. Infection It has been observed to now. It is also unknown how the virus jumps over the seeds. (Please read the following: Can monboxo be damaged to the brain? Virus rare complications. )

However, scientists have drawn out the analogy of HIV (their predecessors have occurred in monkeys in Africa) and are caution: The global health community is currently monitoring alteroviruses in both animals and humans. Scientists suggest that other pandemic could be avoided.

“This animal virus has invaded, duplicate human cells, and avoid some of the important immune reactions expected to protect us from animal viruses.” It is unusual, “said Sara Sawyer, a senior author who is a Professor of Cu Ballder in molecules, cells, and occurring biology. “We need to pay attention to it.”

Thousands of different viruses are circulating among animals around the world, but most of them have not caused symptoms. In the last few decades, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2012, 2003. SARS-COV, SARS-COV-2 (In the past 15 years, Sawyer’s laboratory investigates which animal viruses may infect people using technology and wildlife organizational samples around the world. I have done it.

Cody Warren, the leader of CU’s Biofrontiers Institute, has focused on Alter viruses, which are abundant in pigs and horses, but have not been well studied by humans. They focused on the monkey hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV), which causes catastrophic diseases comparable to Ebola virus disease, and have caused a fatal occurrence in the captured Makaku colony since the 1960s. Is an important role in monkeys in monkey alterovirus biology, indicating that the molecules called CD163 can infiltrate the target cells and infect them. Surprisingly, the researchers found that the virus was caught by her CD163 in the human version, invading human cells and being very good at rapidly duplying.

Sal Alterovirus, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and its precursor monkeys immunodeficiency virus (SIV), seems to attack immune cells, weaken important defense mechanisms, and seem to exist for a long time in the body. increase.

“The similarities between the virus and the Salovirus, which caused the trend of HIV,” said Warren, an assistant professor of Ohio State University Veterinary School. The authors emphasize that no other pandemic is imminent and that ordinary people don’t need to worry.

However, they recommend that the global health community prioritizes monkey alterovirus research, develop their blood antibody tests, and investigate the monitoring of human groups exposed to animal carriers. A wide variety of African monkeys already have a lot of alterative virus loads, often have no symptoms, frequently contact human beings, chewing and squeezing.

“Just because the human ateletic infection has not yet been identified, no one is infected.” “We haven’t seen it,” Warren explained. Warren and Sawyer pointed out that no one had heard about HIV in the 1970s. Researchers currently believe that HIV is derived from non -African humans and infected humans in the early 1900s.

When HIV began to kill a young man in the United States in the 1980s, there was no serum testing or treatment. According to Sawyer, there is no certainty that these monkeys’ arteline viruses are infected with humans. However, one certain thing is that more viruses are infected with humans and cause illness.

“COVID is just the latest in a series of spilled events from animals to humans, and some of them have entered a global disaster,” said Sawyer. “Our purpose is to be alert. By enhancing the knowledge of the virus to be done, it is to be ahead of this so that it can respond quickly when human illness begins. ”

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