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Changes in smell after COVID-19 infection: what you need to know

Changes in smell after COVID-19 infection: what you need to know


September 30, 2022 at 10:00 AM

University of Utah Health Communications

Information in Spanish

Taste and smell are essential to enjoy life.But for some COVID-19 Long Distance Carrier, these sensations can be very uncomfortable. Some people experience changes in taste and smell after COVID-19 infection. It is also known as parosmia (abnormal sense of smell), anosmia (decreased sense of smell), and anosmia (loss of sense of smell). Luckily, it’s usually temporary, and most of the time. However, regardless of how long these conditions last, they can be very confusing.

Christine Smith, MDRhinologist and Assistant Professor otorhinolaryngology (Head and Neck Surgery) from Utah Health University answers eight questions about parosmia.

How is dysosmia related to COVID-19?

I don’t know exactly what triggers it, but ParosmiaSmell disturbances can be caused by viral illnesses such as colds and flu. Head trauma, medications, and neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders can also cause dysosmia. During viral diseases, nerve receptors in the nose can be damaged, altering the sense of smell. This same phenomenon is believed to occur during his COVID-19 infection.

How are COVID-19 long haul carriers experiencing parosmia?

Loss of taste and smell is a common symptom of COVID-19 infection. During the recovery phase of COVID-19, patients usually come to their senses. However, some people feel changes in their sense of smell as early as 3 to 4 months after infection. People report that food and body odors smell like food scraps, rotten eggs, and chemicals. This altered sense of smell is called parosmia.

How common is parosmia?

The number of patients experiencing loss of smell and taste during or after COVID-19 infection was widespread. Loss or alteration of taste and smell during COVID-19 infection affects about 50-75% of people. Approximately 25-75% will develop parosmia during the recovery phase of COVID-19.

When will my sense of smell and taste return?

Patients usually improve slowly over time. About 65% of people with COVID-19-induced dysosmia or hyposmia regain these sensations by about 18 months, and 80-90% regain these sensations by her 2 years. .

Who is more likely to develop parosmia?

If you lose your sense of smell or have a reduced sense of smell while you have COVID-19, you are more likely to develop anosmia later on. However, even if you didn’t originally have anosmia, you may still experience dysosmia. It is unclear why these groups are more affected.

Are there people still experiencing olfactory abnormalities in the various variants of COVID-19?

The number of people reporting parosmia is COVID-19 variant with time. Additional cases of dysosmia were reported early in the original pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Patients still experience parosmia, but fewer patients seek help with their symptoms with the new variant.

Can parosmia be treated?

There is no guaranteed treatment for post-COVID-19 parosmia. However, some treatments may help some patients. These include:

  • Olfactory Retraining is the process of retrain your nose to sniffAs you smell strong scents (citrus, cloves, eucalyptus) every day, think about what they smell like and try to improve the normal reactions of your nose and brain. Studies have shown that it can improve paromia in long-term COVID patients. It often takes about 6 to 12 weeks to notice effects, and up to 24 weeks to see maximum effects.
  • intranasal steroids (fluticasone or mometasone) is a low-risk nasal spray therapy. Studies have shown that these treatments improve the sense of smell in about 10-25% of patients.
  • Large volume saline wash Or sinus cleansers (Neilmed, Netipot, Navage) can help improve nasal inflammation after infection and may improve post-infection recovery.
  • neuromodulator It changes the way nerve cells send signals. Limited studies have shown improvement in olfactory dysfunction. These drugs, such as gabapentin and amitriptyline, are also used to control chronic pain and headaches.
  • lifestyle change It helps improve the patient’s quality of life by:
    • Eat simpler or bland meals: The more complex the scent, the more likely it is to trigger parosmia.
    • Eat food cold or at room temperature: The vapor carries its scent to your nose and can cause parosmia.

other therapies such as stellate ganglion block, alpha lipoic acidWhen Plasma Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection It is being investigated as a potential treatment for COVID-induced parosmia. The risks and potential benefits are not yet known.

Home and natural remedies are becoming more and more popular, Do not try these without first consulting your doctor. Anything you put in your nose can be absorbed into your bloodstream and can be dangerous to your health.

Can parosmia pose a risk to your health?

Losing or altering your sense of smell doesn’t directly harm you, but it can increase your risk of potentially harmful things.

food poisoning
A return or long-term decline in the sense of smell can put you at risk of food poisoning, as you won’t know what’s gone wrong in your refrigerator. You have to pay attention.

smoke or natural gas
People with Parosmia may not be able to detect smoke or natural gas in their homes. It’s important to make sure your home has the latest smoke and natural gas detectors. If you have a natural gas stove, consider getting a handheld natural gas detector.

mental health
The ability to smell and enjoy food is very important to our health. This kind of change can have a huge impact on someone’s quality of life. Persistent parosmia can increase the risk of anxiety and is important to ask for help handle issues related to them.




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