5 questions about the RSV surge
(conversation) – Respiratory syncytial virus, more commonly known as respiratory syncytial virus, sends thousands of children to the hospital each year in the United States. has seen an unprecedented spike in the number of cases of this usually mild virus, a sometimes dangerous respiratory infection in children. Jennifer Gilot I am a pharmacist who studies pediatric infectious diseases. She explains how RSV infects the human body, who is most at risk, and what makes this year’s outbreak worse than usual.
1. What is RSV?
RSV is common, RNA respiratory virus what affects 2 million children under 5 each year Nationwide. Researchers believe most children are infected by the time she is two years old. Like influenza, in most parts of the United States, RSV usually epidemics from November to March, and then mostly disappears during the summer, with only sporadic cases.
2. Who is most at risk?
For most people, especially those who have had RSV in the past, the virus is Mild symptoms such as cough, runny nose, feverexamples of wheezing and loss of appetite are common in young children.
However, young infants, especially premature infants under 6 months of age and infants born with congenital heart, lung or other health problems, Increased risk of more serious symptomsThe U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1% to 2% of infants under 6 months of age infected with RSV require hospitalization.usually 250 children died from the disease.
In recent years, researchers have discovered that RSV can also It causes severe illness in high-risk adults and people over the age of 65.
3. How does RSV make people sick?
The main reason RSV sends babies and young children to the hospital is because the virus infects and kills surface cells in the small sacs of the lungs. The body reacts as follows. Increases mucus and fluid production in these areas.However, excess mucus can clog these parts of the lungs and cause the baby to not getting enough oxygen.
The second common cause of hospitalization for RSV is pneumonia, in which a person’s lungs fill with fluid.Pneumonia is caused by the virus itself or Secondary, bacterial infectionFinally, some infants become so ill that they struggle to eat, do not get enough nutrients, and end up in the hospital.
4. How worried are you about this year’s epidemic?
On average, the RSV is approximately 60,000 infants in hospital But in 2022, the virus hit hard early on. According to the CDC, doctors should More cases each week in October More than any other week in the last two years.
Health officials don’t yet know why this year’s outbreak is so bad, but it may be related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some studies The seasonality of RSV changedIn 2021, RSV infections began much earlier than usual and did not disappear completely by the summer of 2022. His one theory as to why the RSV season is starting earlier and getting more serious is that social distancing measures in 2020 and beyond will cause so many infants and children to experience their first exposure and infection at once. is doing
5. How can I prevent RSV infection?
Like colds and flu, RSV infection is spread by touching dirty surfaces or through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
Health professionals advise premature babies and infants with certain medical conditions to: Monthly monoclonal antibody drug called palivizumab during the RSV season to help keep them out of the hospital.I have Few RSV vaccines in development, but none have been approved yet. For now, the best way to prevent infection is prevention.
If someone has cold-like symptoms, it may be best to avoid close contact until they feel better, especially if they have young children or high-risk people around.
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