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Surge in RSV Cases Increases ER Wait Times at UPMC Children’s Hospital

Surge in RSV Cases Increases ER Wait Times at UPMC Children’s Hospital


A surge in the number of babies suffering from the respiratory disease RSV has increased emergency room wait times at Pittsburgh’s UPMC Children’s Hospital, officials said.

Dr. Raymond Pitetti, director of the Children’s Emergency Department, said the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) surge began about six weeks ago and has been steadily increasing.

“RSV is starting to spread,” he said. “Influenza cases are also rising, but not as rapidly.”

He said some children have also tested positive for covid-19, but for the most part those cases have “plateaued out.”

During the week of 17-23 October, 155 patients tested positive for RSV at the Children’s Hospital. The number of cases is up by about 15 or 20 a week from her 32 on Sept. 11.

During the week of 18-24 October 2021, there were 31 RSV-positive cases in the hospital.

Children brought to the emergency room undergo a triage evaluation by nurses to determine the severity of their illness, Pitetti said, which can result in significantly longer visits to doctors and hospitalization. I have.

“The amount of ER is much higher,” he said. “Waiting times can range from 4 hours for him to 6 hours for him.”

Pitetti said the hospital had no problem finding beds for children who needed hospitalization.

“Sometimes the bed is full, but when that happens, we never postpone the lawsuit,” he said. “We manage patient care in the ER until a bed becomes available. Unfortunately, that can take hours and is frustrating for parents.

Hospital administrators meet regularly to outline plans for how to deal with surges in cases that could lead to a shortage of beds, Pitetti said.

RSV is a common infection that causes cold-like symptoms such as cough, fever and runny nose, said Dr. Joseph Aracri, chair of the Allegheny Health Network’s Pediatrics Research Institute.

“It’s very common, really like the common cold,” he said. increase.”

Aracri said the baby could end up in the hospital. This is because breathing difficulties and nasal discharge from illness can make it difficult to bottle feed and stay hydrated.

But RSV isn’t just a surge of illness from respiratory viruses, it’s taking kids to the doctor.

“Pick one case of respiratory syncytial virus, the flu, the common cold, or even some novel coronavirus,” he said. This past week in particular has been overwhelming.”

Aracri said most children with RSV and other respiratory illnesses who go to AHN’s community hospitals are treated there unless their condition is severe.

“If your baby seems stable but needs support such as oxygen and IVs until he calms down, he can easily be treated at a local hospital,” he said. If your baby is very sick, working very hard to breathe, and has pending respiratory failure, you shouldn’t go to the children’s hospital.

There is no vaccine for RSV, but symptoms can usually be managed by letting the virus run its course. Your doctor may also prescribe oral steroids or an inhaler to help you breathe easier.

In the most severe cases, the child is admitted to the hospital, where they can get help from oxygen, a breathing tube, or a ventilator.

Pittsburgh’s Children’s Hospital is responding to a surge in RSV infections in babies, but doctors at some hospitals in the country say they are falling behind.

Dr. Juan Salazar of Children’s Hospital of Connecticut called the recent spike in RSV cases an “emergency.” He said the hospital had to move patients to playrooms and other spaces not normally used as beds.

“We’re drowning in RSV,” says Dr. Elizabeth Mack of the Medical College of South Carolina, who has seen an earlier-than-usual spike this year.

Mack said the surge in RSV cases may be because the immune system is not ready to fight the virus after more than two years of masking that provided protection.

As restrictions on wearing face coverings, social distancing and other COVID-19 mitigation measures are reduced, illnesses from RSV and other viruses have increased, she said.

RSV typically leads to about 58,000 hospitalizations and up to 500 deaths annually among children under 5 years of age. Nearly all children will be infected with her RSV by the time she is two years old.

Officials for Excela Health were not available for comment on Sunday.

Tony LaRussa is a staff writer for Tribune-Review. He can contact Tony by email. [email protected] or via Twitter .




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