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Does intermittent fasting affect fertility? New study may provide answers

Does intermittent fasting affect fertility? New study may provide answers


Intermittent fasting, meal plans that include: meal time restrictions It is becoming more and more popular, rather than specific foods.

However, concerns surfaced Recent rat studies Intermittent Fasting Can Have Unintended Effects Hormonal cycle and fertility —and those fears were amplified by social media.

“There are some animal studies that I think of that I don’t think translate very well to humans,” Dr. Christa Varady, a professor of kinesiology and nutrition at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told TODAY. Everyone knew about them the moment they were posted on Instagram.”

people also their meal times Adrian Dobbs, Ph.D., professor of medicine and oncology at Johns Hopkins Medicine, affects their health today.

So Varady and her team set out to set the record straight by studying the potential effects on humans.

How does intermittent fasting affect hormones?

The study was published last month in the journal obesity, Researchers looked at two groups of women who followed a timed eating plan for eight weeks. Participants also provided blood samples to measure sex hormone levels.

the data was originally previous research, which included more than 50 participants. But after the researchers excluded men from the study, there were 12 premenopausal women and her 11 postmenopausal women.

Over eight weeks, both groups lost approximately the same amount of weight. They also found no significant differences in levels of specific male sex hormones (testosterone and androstenedione) or sex hormone-binding globulin (a protein that regulates the amount of other hormones in the blood).

There were no changes in estradiol, estrone, or progesterone levels in postmenopausal women. That’s why, explained Varady.

Overall, “these findings are encouraging,” Dr. Reshmi Srinath, director of the Mount Sinai Weight and Metabolism Program, told TODAY. Srinath is happy to find that most of the hormones in the study don’t seem to be affected by the diet plan.

The study addresses “a very important question,” Sobia Khan, Ph.D., an internist and women’s health expert at the Cleveland Clinic, told TODAY. “No,” she said, was a good start.

one puzzling discovery

The only hormone that changed significantly during the study period was dehydroepiandrosterone, also known as DHEA, which helps the body make male and female hormones. According to the Mayo ClinicDHEA, which has a similar structure to testosterone, may naturally increase or decrease with changes in body weight, says Dobs, whose research has focused on androgenic and endocrine disorders.

Both groups of women in this study saw statistically significant reductions in DHEA levels during the eight weeks they were on the time-restricted diet plan. ‘s DHEA levels were still within the normal range, stressed that other tests showed no worrying side effects.

“Going into this, I honestly thought nothing would change[during the duration of the study],” said Varady. Told.

It is not yet clear what this change means in practice. On the other hand, elevated DHEA levels are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, says Varady. Excessively high DHEA levels can also be associated with irregular menstrual cycles, excessive acne, and changes in hair growth, he added Srinath.

So the slight reduction in DHEA seen in this study may be beneficial for some people.

Elevated DHEA may also be involved. polycystic ovary syndromewhich is where Varady’s team is doing this research next.

Overall, the DHEA findings are not a major concern. And the experts agreed that more research, ideally longer study periods and broader age ranges, would be needed to truly understand.

“With such a small sample size, it could just be a fluke,” says Dobs.

In fact, the group was very small and had no representatives of ethnic groups, Khan noted. For example, the 11 postmenopausal group consisted of 10 black women and her 1 white woman.

For her, since the study was only eight weeks long, it was not surprising to see little change in most hormone levels. “If it were extended to at least three months,[any change]would be better understood,” she said.

If you’re thinking of doing intermittent fasting…

If you are interested try intermittent fastingWe should be reassured by the results of this study that trying a time-restricted eating plan is unlikely to have a significant negative impact on hormone levels or fertility.

Keep in mind that there are many intermittent fasting-style plans that might work for you, Srinath said. She added that she could only eat for an hour or six, but was on the tougher side.

“This was extreme,” Dobs agreed. “In the long term, compliance will be poor.” Other intermittent fasting schedules allow longer eating windows, such as eight hours, or require followers to just fast every other day. .

If you’re interested in intermittent fasting but don’t know where to start, Varady recommends: her instagram pageused to address frequently asked questions.

Intermittent fasting can be dangerous for some people, says Dobbs. is especially important for people who take certain medications or have certain health conditions, such as diabetes. Description of the Mayo Clinic.




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